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Official Flag of the Commonwealth of Norad

Commonwealth of Norad
Home of the Noridian Government & People
A Sovereign Micronation Founded February 3, 1999
National Coat of Arms
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A micronation is when a group of people get together creates a nation that isn’t recognized by any real governments or macro nations. Some micronations exist only on the Internet. Others have claimed a piece of property like a house or forest as their own sovereign nation. No these people aren't lunatics, they are just part of a very tiny portion of the population involved with micronationalism.

Different kinds of micronations exist. Some actually own land, have real citizens, but aren't recognized by the macro nations. Others have claimed land, but don't legally own it. A few have tried to create nations aboard floats in international waters. Most micronations have carved out a small piece of cyberspace, and called it their own. Just like Norad has.

Once you get past that, you will notice the many different forms of government micronations have, just like the macro world. You will later understand that some micronations are very serious and intend on their micronation being just like any normal nation, except for the land part. Others like to joke around a lot. This is a very basic overview of what micronations are, to understand micronations, you really have to join one, like Norad ;o) I have also included some recommended reading for you to further your micronational studies.

Micronations.Org has a huge list of micronations. Apollo Fireball is probable micronationalisms best news report. You can browse through the archives there and learn a lot. One name you will hear a lot during your micronational journey is Kevin Baugh. He made this website called How to Start Your Own Micronation which is a good read. Like I said before though, the best way to understand micronations is by joining one, like Norad ;o) Thanks