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Because everybody seems to have to know, my stats are 6', I weigh about 140, I have blonde/brown hair (depending on who you ask and the light), ice blue eyes.  

Okay first things first.  No matter what the link that brought you here says, I am now in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.  I just moved from Anchorage, Alaska, by way of Georgia. 

A Little Bit About Me

Prelude to my autobiography

I grew up around horses most of my life and have always loved them.  Amongst the best experiences of my life was one weekend during the summer of 1995 when I was living with my father after graduating from high school.  He took me on a pack trip up into the Colorado mountains.  That weekend was the best weekend of my life.  I got to know the father I really didn't know very well.  He now is the most important person in my life.  I feel very lucky to be one of the few gay men in this country that can say that of their fathers.  I'm one of the few gay men in this country that can say the same of the rest of my family.  I love them.  They accept me whether they approve or not.  I admire that from them.

I was born in Rapid City, South Dakota on June 10, 1976.  I've lived in various cities up and down the Midwest, from Fargo, North Dakota to Albuquerque, New Mexico, then up as far as Anchorage, Alaska.  I graduated high school out of Denver, Colorado and lived in the western mountains of Colorado as well. 

I come from a rather diversified family.  My mothers side is quite refined while my fathers side is more natural and "redneck".  So therefore I talk in a combination of refined grammar mingled with "redneck" phrases and accents.


I love writing stories and poems.  Here is a link to my Creative Writing website where you can find all of my creative writing work.


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