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Silver Fox Country Dancers enjoy country dancing, both line and partner. We get together every Monday evening from 7:00 to 9:00 at the Masons Hall in Dresden, Maine, on Route 127. Quite often, we will teach a dance on Monday. We also hold a public dance on the third Saturday of each month, from 8:00PM to 11:00 PM, at the Gardiner Lions Club on Rt 201 in Gardiner. Our next dance will be on Octoer 19, 2002. This will be a Halloween dance, feeel free to come in costume.
Watch for details on our Foxwoods bus trip, Nov. 2!
Demo team
Our demo team (pictured above) practices on a regular basis, and provides entertainment at several of the agricultural fairs,including :Topsham, Union, Windsor, and Fryeburg. We also visit many area nursing homes and civic organizations.
For more info, or to schedule a demo
Special Events
Put up pictures from special occasions, such as parties, weddings, and graduations.