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Choreographed by:     Lisa Harper, Queensland, Australia
Description:          56 count, 4 wall, intermediate line dance
Music:               "Tonight We Ride" by Michael Martin Murphy 

Counts                   Step Descriptions

1&2     Shuffle forward left
3&4     Shuffle forward right
5-6     Swing left foot round turning 1/2 turn right bringing left  beside right
7-8     Right 45, right together

9&10    Shuffle forward left
11&12   Shuffle forward right
13-14   Swing left foot round turning 1/2 turn right bringing left  beside right
15-16   Right 45, right together

17-20   Vine left, hitch right turning 1/4 turn left
21-24   Vine right, hitch left

25-26   Left to side, lift right knee up and across the body
27-28   Touch right to side, lift right knee up and across body
29-30   Right to side, lift left knee up and across the body
31-32   Touch left to side, lift left knee up and across body

33-34   Left to the side, touch right behind left
35-36   Right to the side, touch left behind right
37-40   Vine left, stomp right

41-42   Step forward on right, pivot turn 1/2 turn left
43-44   Step forward on right, pivot turn 1/2 turn left
45-46   Step forward on right, kick left
47-48   Step back on left, touch right toe behind

49-50   Step right to side, touch left behind right
51-52   Left to side, touch right behind left
53-56   Vine right, stomp left
