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FROM HERE TO ETERNITY ( 4 full turns omitted)

48count  Two Wall       2 Restarts at # on walls 2 and 5 and 1 restart at ## on wall 3     Start on LEFT FOOT  

MUSIC   “From Here to Eternity” by Michael Peterson   Choreography  Mark Simpkin & Kate Moore  Feb 2004

* shows where spin on one foot or full turn omitted




Step fwd L rock back AND R pivot turn -*- Rock side R AND rock side L (Wt R)

1&2,3,4  5&6,7,8

Travel to  R ..  L behind & (1/2 turn) side   rock back R, fwd L


R side & (1/2 turn) R across, rock side L, rock onto R (Wt on R for a change)

&1,2  &3,4

& (change - wt on L) rock fwd R, rock back onto L & L toe back and pivot on R 

&5,6   &7,8

Hook L, Step fwd L rock onto R & R toe back,1/2 pivot wt on L  (wt on L) sweep R

1&2,3,4 # 5&6,7,8

into a 1/2 turn sailor, rock fwd L, recover.  Sweep L into 1/2 turn sailor, Rock, recover

&1,2 & 3 & 4

Change wt onto R--- AND step L pivot 1/2 AND back R lock R


Walk L, R fwd, L lock L behind R *  (full turn unwind spin  hold for 1 beat) step R to R

1 & 2 & 3, 4 ##

Side sh L with 1/4 turn, (1&2) turn 180 onto R (&) rock back L come fwd onto R ##

       5,6 & 7,8

    Step L R L with 1/2, 1/2, 1/4 for 5, 6 & * step R to side for 7, touch L beside R for 8