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BROKEN PROMISES  (with no turns)

64count  Two Wall   NO tags  1 restart at # on the second wall     MUSIC   “Predictable” by Delta Goodrem    

Choreographer  Adrian Lefebour  (Nov 2003)



1&2,3,4   5&6,7,8

Side shuffle R, cross rock, L side shuffle, cross rock

1,2,3&4,  5,6,7&8

1/4R step R,L, shuffle R-L-R, step turn shuffle L-R-L

1,2& 3,4  5,6,7,8

R dorothy, rock side L, replace,  3/4 hook step L down, rock fwd R, replace

1,2&  3,4&  5,6,7,8

Back R dorothy, back L dorothy, rock back R, come fwd, walk R-L

1,2,3,4  5,6,7,8

step R hips RLRL, hinge  onto R again hips RLRL

1,2,3&4  &5,6,7&8&

Ball jacks  Cross R, side, behind and heel, & cross L, side, behind and heel  & #

1,2,3&4  5,6,7&8

Cross R replace 1/4 turn shuffle, rock fwd L replace, 1/2 turn shuffleL-R-L

1,2,3&4  5,6,7&8

Cross R, rock back, coaster step,  step fwd L, 1/4 paddle., cross shuffle L-R-L