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Cha Cha Bermuda

32 Count, 4 wallone tag after the 4th wall (4 counts)You’re facing frontLeft jazz box stepusing R foot firstRLRLStarts after 20 counts, on vocals, “I was invited to travel”

1 - 4
Touch R in front of L(hold)(1,2)full rolling turnstep R,L (3,4) while turning
5 - 8
Shuffle R to R side (5 and 6) rock forward onto L, back onto R
9 -12
Back L, hold (9,10) and step, back onto R, step back onto L, step fwd onto R (&11,12) 
13 -16
Walk fwd L,R,L,R
17 -20
Fwd L, back onto R, step back onto L, hook R in front
21 -24
Step fwd R, back onto L, walk back onto R, hook L in front
25 -28
Step fwd onto L, back onto R, back L coaster step 
1/4 turn to Lhips RLRL
EASY GOOD FINISH1/2 turn step together

Enjoy Da Ridge:)