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Fauzia's Pakistani Recipes - The Extraordinary Taste of Pakistan

Aaloo Carrot Pickle (Potato Carrot Pickle) Recipe

  • 3 medium Carrots (Gaajar) (peeled)
  • 1 medium Cauliflower (Gobhi) (stalks removed)
  • ½ cup Salt (Namak)
  • ¾ cups Red Chilli Powder (Pisi Lal Mirch)
  • 1 tbsp. Turmeric Powder (Pisi Haldi)
  • 1 cup Jaggery (Gur) (grated)
  • 1 cup Vinegar (Sirka)

  1. Cut the carrots lengthwise into four, or six (if they are very thick). Cut lengths into 1 ½ inch stubs. Set aside.
  2. Separate the cauliflower florets. Break to halves if they are very big. They should match the size of the carrot pieces.
  3. Add in the red chilli powder, salt and turmeric powder. Toss well. Transfer to a clean dry bowl, Keep in the sun for 4 days.
  4. Heat vinegar in a pan until it gets warm. Add in the jaggery and stir. Heat until the vinegar is very hot, and the jaggery has melted. Cool to room temperature. Add to the sunned vegetables.
  5. Transfer to a clean dry pickle jar, close lid tightly. Marinate in a warm dark place for 6 days.
  6. After 6 days mix well with a spoon.

Tip: Keep refrigerated and serve with any main dish or snack.

Serving Suggestions: Serve with any Main Dish or Snack.
Preparation Time: 1 Hour
Marinating Time: 4-5 Days
Shelflife: 3-4 Months (refrigerated)
Degree of Difficulty: Medium
Recipe Category: Sauce/Chutney/Pickle
Recipe Ethnic Group: Pakistani

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Recipe Printed from (Fauzia's Pakistani Recipes)