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Wherever is my Lamby? Wherever is my Lamby? Wherever did he go?
Lost in a land of confusion, mired in a world of woe
What happened to my Lamby? Now to have no offering
to my God and my Savior, I have no gift to bring.
Wherein is my Lamby; what doth it symbolize?
My heart, pure, white, and wholesome; my goodness with no guise.
Why have I lost my Lamby? Oh how I want it back!
Lady beautiful, wise, and loving, can fill me where I lack.
Fill my heart with Hope again. Let me find Lamby’s purest sense.
To regain Gift of Lamby -- no greater Recompense.
I believe and hope in Lamby to rebuild the Brighter Day
when I’ll pray, and work to see with clarity, God’s hand opening my Way.

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