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What does God Require of us?

What does God Require of us?What does God Require of us? The Lord requireth the willing Heart and Mind, but most of all He wants you. He wants all of you, not just a part, nor just the part you choose to give. The Lord requireth the sacrifice of all things. There may come a time when He will require the sacrifice of your favorite, that the dedication of the whole may be complete. The Lord God hath said that whatsoever we do, we must do with real intent of heart, for if we do less, it profiteth us nothing. God knows every thought and every intent of our hearts before our lips ever part to give them utterance. You cannot deceive God. So make your Heart right before Him. And if you try with all intent of heart, you will find, one day, that your heart is right, for He will direct thee for Good. And He may even show you that part of your heart which you never knew, that was Good all along.

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