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* My Worldly Angels -- to live is to learn *

Thoughts and Pictures have been added and as I have the time more Thoughts, Pictures and Inspirations will be added as well...

Thanks for stopping by again and if this is your first time here, please feel free to browse through my pages and sign my guest-book to let me know what you think...



           Dedicated to all the 'Angels' in my life, past, present and future...

*** Ohhh...'If only I were an Angel' ***



This site is more or less a story of bad versus good...of the struggles within...of the angels I have found, whether in real life or right here on the net…of a 'love' that does indeed conquer all...of time and distance...of a want and a will discover a Becca that you never knew existed, and you will discover the Becca that does indeed exist today, why and what her purpose in life is no matter how long she may live...mind you some of the pages will tear at your heart strings...but throughout all the reading you will discover what love, friendship and being an angel really does mean...I hope you all enjoy my pages and discover for yourself what being an ‘ANGEL’ really is…

To understand more about how I view what ‘angels are, be sure to go to the page entitled ‘Angels Among Us’…

To go anywhere on my site just click on the button that you would like to see. Be sure to read everything I have written I know it will change your life forever. Don’t forget to check out my Australia page most of all, it contains pictures of the most wonderful experience I have ever had…*ss*

While your hear please e-mail me with any comments or suggestions that you may have and be sure to let me know what you think of my webpages...If you have a very special 'Angel' in your life that made a differance then I would love to hear about it...

Now sit back and relax with a nice cup of  Have a Cuppa or a nice tall cold glass of Anyone for a Pepsiand maybe even a nice slice of No Calories Added...The choice is yours...Now be prepared to emerge into the mind of Becca (what many doctors have wanted to do for a longtime to see exactly what makes me tick) *lol*


                                                                                                            ~* Becca*~


Are there Angels Among Us? Songs with Meaning! Gone but -- NOT -- Forgotten Angels...
Poetry with a Fest for Life... Inspirational Angels The Angels you Can Meet Online


Beccas Views on Lifes most Troubling Subjects...

Friendships are the Flowers in the Garden of Life... Life is Precious -- Don't Abuse it... Love the Greatest Gift in the World
Can You Survive the Distance? Dreams Can Come True -- If Only You Believe Take a Chance -- You'll be Glad you did
What Do the Stars Say About Us? What Does Becca Think? Love Is -- Quotes to Live by...


The Mind -- A Terrible Thing to Waiste

Is Elvis Alive or Gone -- You Decide!!!

The Adventure of a Lifetime...


Angel Pictures Beccas Cyber-Mail Next Angel

Please feel free to bookmark my page, as more pages will be added shortly and hopefully finished as soon as I can...If you would like to see a topic under Becca's Views just send me a little note via e-mail and i will see what I can do for you...To e-mail me just click on the e-mail sign above or simply type in my addy in your email... ...

For a Very Special added BONUS to my site, I have added the following 'Special Poetry Pages'...When I 1st read these poems they really touched my heart so much that I just had to pass them on for all the world to see...When I emailed Marilyn to see if I could add them to my site she replied back with the words that you will read on that page...Ya know those words are very, very true...

To view these -- OH -- so Special Pages just click on the button below and you will go directly to the 'Special Poetry Section' of my web-page...I hope these poems in some way will touch your heart and most of all your life the way they have touched mine...

  Special Poetry -- Guaranteed to Touch Your Heart