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My name is Julie and I've been researching my family tree for the last 13 years now. When I first started I never knew how much work there was involved in gathering the information and researching it to make sure it was all correct. Now I have a itching to make a web page and share my information with my new family members and friends I've found online. .

My line starts with Richard Jenkins born about 1761 in the old District later divided into three counties Pickens, Anderson and Oconee. This information came from a book published by Colonel Jack S. Jenkins. Even though I have not been able to connect him to us I’m still working on it.

Children of Richard Jenkins are.

Lewis, Sheppard and Rosanna.

I don't know that much about Sheppard or Rosanna, but Lewis served in the War of 1812. After the war was over,Georgia was offering land grants to encourage settlement there. Lewis later married Mary Sanders? In the Pendleton District date is unknown to me at this time.

Their children were

Rosanna, Green Berry who went to Texas, Elizabeth, Jane "Jennie", Rebecca, L.W. known as Lewis William, Mary Frances "Fanny".

My line starts from Jane Jennie Jenkins it was said she was married to another Jenkins and had Lewis on July 21,1836 but I have not found anything to back that up. She was a widow living with her parents in Anderson County, Tennessee before she married Edward Ned Frost on February 22, 1838.

Their frist child was Elizabeth Jane Frost, then a son Edward Benton born on January 29,1840 both were born in Morgan County Alabama. By July Edward moved his small family to Jasper,Walker County Alabama, and settled around Wolf Creek the South West part of Walker County. The two closes towns at that time was Berry in Fayette County and Oakman (called Day's Gap).

Jane's Parents had settled there earlier, but moved to Fayette County on Bounty Land awarded to Lewis W. for his service in the War.

By that time Edward and Jane's family was growing, they had Greenberry born August 25,1841, Franny Ann born January 1,1843, Steven Orr born October 17, 1845.
Christopher S. born June 18, 1846, George L.C. Born November 7, 1849.

They had 3 children die before they reached maturity, Levi Frost from his first marriage
died at the age of 19. Their daughter Franny Ann who was 11 when she died and, Geroge L.C. died in infancy at 7 wks.

The other children grew up married and had children of their own. The graves of his children and his mother was the starting of Frost Family Cemetery there at West Corona.

Over the years Edward bought other parcels of land eventually owning in excess of 300 hundred acres. He farmed and operated a gristmill that was located near a creek that ran through his land. It's shown on the county maps as "Frost Creek".

Durning the Civil War his sons Edward Benton, Green Berry, and stepson Lewis served in the Confederate Army. His youngest Christopher S. enlisted in the Union Army late in the war.
Edward filed a claim with the Southern Claims Commission seeking 150.00 in payment for a horse and saddle taken from him by the union force early in 1865. He stated in a deposition he filed that he was a loyal unionist. This may not have been true, after all he was trying to collect money from the Government.

Edward died on October 4, 1875 before a mining community of West Cornoa, that was developed around his home. Jane lived another 15 years and died in 1890. Both are buried in the West Cornoa Cemetery.

Many of Edwards and Jane's descendants lived in Walker and the surrounding counties. Others are scattered through out the United States.

Jane Jenkins Greenberry
Jenkins Photo Samuel McKee
John McKee Sara McKee
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