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Welcome To The Pages Of Harmony

The Canadian Roses

The Canadian Roses

Click On Image For Their Other Home Page

The Canadian Roses

Julie And Dawn
Cree Ative Harmony

CDs and Cassettes available at the following locations:

Pages Of Worship And Praise

A Glorious Day Amazing Grace How Great Thou Art
Master's Bouquet His Name Is JESUS Take Up The Cross
Jesus, Its Me Again Holding On To JESUS Where The Roses Never Fade

Canadian Country

"Thy Word is a lamp unto my feet,
and a light unto my path.
With my whole heart have I sought Thee;
O let me not wander from Thy commandments."
Psalms 119 :105,10


Please Mommy Please

This Is A Must See Page.

Click Little Princess To Enter

Please Mommy Please

Please Help Stop Abortion

Little Princess SnowGlobe By Val

Best viewed with

Microsoftİ Internet Explorer 5+

The music here is for entertainment and religious purposes only
without any commercial interest whatsoever or profit of any kind.
Titles have copyrights by their respective artists and record companies,
and is used with written permission.

Melvin L. Jackson


Our First Award!!!

Thank You

For This Beautiful Award.

Our Second Award!!!

This one is from

my Kentucky hillbilly friend.
Thank you Jim.

This one is from

Another VietNam Veteran
Thank you Tommy.

Thank You Julie and Dawn For Allowing
Me To Display Your Music.

Guest books aren't working.
Will replace as soon as possible.
Thank You.