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The Blog of Dalik
Thursday, 7 July 2005
What Happened to Movies?
Mood:  energetic
It use to be cool to go to the movie theater with your friends and enjoy about two hours of a blockbuster, but now nearly all the movies playing now are remakes or sequels. Also, people are going to the movies less often not because the movies suck (which they do), but they are being release to DVD too early. Now cineplexes are getting hit hard. Cineplexes make little or no money on the movie so they have to make all their money on the concession stands. Since very few people are showing up and the movie theaters are forced to raised their food prices to ridiculous prices. Some are even filing for bankruptcy. Is there anything that movie studios and theaters can do to get out of their slump?

Posted by comics2/dalik24 at 10:49 PM CDT
Updated: Sunday, 10 July 2005 5:20 PM CDT
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