Ardra's new home on the web is here!

Link to our new site at http://www.ardracomic.com/ using this banner!


Created by Jason Dunstan, Artwork by Trevor Adams

Updates every Monday and Friday

Previous Comic-----First Comic-----First in Storyline

Ardra keeps going strong, on her newest site, Experiment 3.0!

Trevor left, Fesworks came in, Fesworks resigned as artist to become webmaster, Trevor returned...Anyway, why are you still here? This was, like, two sites ago, lol...

Thanks for supporting Ardra, everybody, and spread the word if you haven't already. The Revolution begins with you!

Any thoughts? Or have a link for the links page? E-mail us at ardrarenelsior@hotmail.com.

Need a bigger Ardra fix? The entire Ardra's Parents and Aldla storylines can be found at The Ardchive

The Webcomic List ButtonGenerator.com Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 License.
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