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      Welcome to my webpage.

     This site is the exhibition of my work. I like to make games and graphic art. I also write poetry which can be found on the artwork page. On this site you can also find some source code to some of the programs I have written and some tutorials and little articles on programming in general. The links page has links to some of my friends site and some of my favorite links. If you want to contact me you can email me at VIKKTOR@COLLEGECLUB.COM.


      I do freelance webpage making, programming and graphic art projects.  I know HTML, DHTML ,JavaScript, Java, Flash(ActionScript), Cascading Style Sheets, DOS and Windows C++, C, MFC, OpenGL, several versions of assembler. I also have experience in teaching computer courses. If you are interested in completing a project or you require a computer instructor contact me at VIKKTOR1@YAHOO.COM.