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--This site contains works of fanfiction: stories based on and using the characters in an already existing work. The site owner and the authors archived within make no claim to the ownership of the works their stories are based on, nor are they making any money off of their work. If you were not looking for this sort of material, please do not proceed.

--This site contains stories which may include instances of graphic sex, both heterosexual and homosexual in nature. All of these works will be clearly marked. If the thought of possibly coming across a work of this sort unnerves you, please do not proceed.

--The works in this site may also contain instances of non-consensual sex or violence. These will also be clearly marked. If the thought of possibly coming across a work of this sort makes you ill, please do not proceed.

--This site may contain other offensive material such as incest or foul language. These will be clearly marked. If the thought of possibly coming across a work of this sort offends you, please do not proceed.

--This site was made by an adult, for adults. If you are underage (or you don't feel you can handle any of the issues mentioned above, for whatever reason), please do not proceed.

--The site owner and the authors archived within claim no responsibility for any trauma, psychological or otherwise, stemming from the reading of our work. The stories have been clearly marked for what they are, and if they cause mental problems for the reader, the reader should have read the warnings more carefully. If the thought of taking responsibility for your own actions scares you, please do not proceed.

--As a final note, the owner of this site is not a politically correct person by any stretch of the imagination. Therefore, the reader should assume that the entire site may be insulting to him/her. The site owner assures that this was not intended maliciously, but if you cannot take a joke, please do not proceed.

I think I can handle that

I don't want to be here. Take me somewhere else