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Judge for yourself.

Think back to the days when pensioners use to get $300 per month and when 10,000 children use to FAIL Common Entrance.

Life before dollar for dollar, life before EHS, life before water down south, life before UNC was real ketch for PNM and its 2 steps bakward.

ONE question : Patrick where the 15 billion gone???? your momma put 10 million in anyone account??? and how u pay u dunce sons tuition???

Some news...Patrick sons from Presentation College Sando...didn't get A' father like son......more breakfastes ???

doh worry...young manninges (NOTE MY SINGULAR AND PLURAL) ..u can always get a job in the PNM...u doh really need any Education or Common Sense!!!  Look at  PNM

LIFE without UNCl.....hummmmmmm....crime , kidnappings, terrorists, and patrick where the money gone???


Can you really trust the PNM?


Are they fighting crime?

Are they building more schools?

Do you want more soup kitchens?

Do you want $4 Million in fete or school books???


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