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Welcome to the SLUG!
Shucks Howdy! If you came upon this site, you've either been attracted to the cool name or you clicked the wrong banner. Oh well... You might as well look around.

Team SLUG is a branch of Anime Sanctuary: your source for anime stuff that doesn't suck. Our job is to provide some of the pictures and serials seen on AS. Though as of right now, both this site and AS are small and very weak, but we hope to have them grow up to be healthy websites! Just like a puppy into a dog! But we don't chew up slippers and pee on newspapers...

The Japanese writing above the word "Team" loosely translates to "Psycho Sonic Trip". There is no real signifigance to it, other than it makes the logo look like a Japanese Studio name!

Since most of us are not webpage builders by trade, this website really sucks. We feel that the contents is more important than how cool the website runs. Just be glad we learned HTML, dammit!

Oh Yeah! Here are some pictures to look at!
RE BIO pic
Leona pic

Here's some pictures we did for a Warcraft 3 Clan Site. They were all done straight from ink without guidelines. It's easy to tell because the pictures are trash! Enjoy!
A Water Mage
A Follower of some kind
Close-up of a Hooded Stranger