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My Celebrity Page!!!!!!!

George Lowe- Voice of Space Ghost

Meeting George was an absolute BLAST! He's hysterical for one, and an all around fun person! George was cool enough to let me hang out with him every now and then at the convention, and we exchanged fond memories of Self repeating immortal franken-ants, Old Kentucky Shark Brewer stories, and Yummy recipes. Well George the Shatner's really hit the fan now. I'm up Dawson's Creek without a paddle. :)

David Prowse -Darth Vader

If somebody had told me about two years ago that I'd be meeting Darth Vader I would have told them to quit pullin my leg, The best thing about meeting David was the fact that he was the nicest guy, and it was like finally meeting your dad that you haven't seen in 18 years, and that had raised you only through Tv. No matter how many actors Lucasfilm gets for the character, David will always be Darth Vader to me, and "my father" :) David I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you in Episode 3!

Peter Mayhew-Chewbacca

It was such a pleasure to meet Peter, He was so nice, and SO TALL! I suppose you'll have that, him playing Chewbacca and all. All the best to Peter and his lovely wife. :) and for now..."CHEWIE GET US OUTA HERE"

Mercedes Melinda Ngoh-Rystàll from-The Return of the Jedi

When I first saw Mercedes, I couldn't get over how young she looked, to be in Return of the Jedi...she later explained to me the "Movie Magic" Of the Star Wars Special edition. (If you're a true StarWars Fan you'll understand) Keep an Eye out for Mercedes in the future! I wish her all the best of luck with her upcoming musical career.

Ray Park-Darth Maul/Toad

Once again I get to hang out with Ray Park. I had so much fun just getting to joke around and play Tic Tac Toe with him...By the way Ray..I challenge you to a rematch!..Next time, No more using Jedi mind tricks on me :) And always use your airplane socks and earplugs!! Thanks for the fun weekend Ray! I'll see you on the big screen.

More pics of me and Ray Park

David Mack & Anh Tran

(Comic Artist for Kabuki and Daredevil Marvel Knights)

David Mack is the most AMAZING Artist! Seeing his art up close, it was just gorgeous, and being an artist myself you can only imagine how jealous I was to hear it only took him about a day to create a masterpiece! :) Besides being so talented, Dave and his sweet girlfriend Anh, are the absolute nicest and cutest couple you could ever meet! And I wish them all the best!! So all you comic book fans if you get a chance PLEASE pick up a copy of David's Book Kabuki, I'm reading mine now and, well you won't be disappointed.

Lou Ferrigno-The Incredible Hulk

The first comic convention I went to I was all excited cause Lou Ferrigno was going to be there, but when I got to the convention he had just left 30 minutes earlier!!! So I met Adam West instead, and he hit on my mom....ew..But Lucky for me I got another shot at meeting Lou, so by golly I took it. hehe and I was happy. Lou is the nicest, and so buff! Hehe I was tempted to ask him if he could flex his muscles and bust out of his sweater..but then I thought I'd better not..another time then. Thanks to Lou for being so great!

Sorry guys that's all for now .....Please sign my guestbook!

-Stephie** 11-24-01


My Main page
The Big Apple Comic Con
Space Ghost
The Offical David Prowse Site
The Offical Peter Mayhew Site
The Offical Mercedes Ngoh Site
The Offical Ray Park Site
David Mack's Kabuki
The Offical Lou Ferrigno Site

Special Thanks!

Thank you to Dave E. ( because without him or Ray I wouldn't have met all these COOL people), Mike C. (Big Apple Con), Ray Park (For being so wonderful, yet AGAIN), Larry (for letting me hang out and bug you and Ray) :) , Marshall (For all the great acting tips), George Lowe (for letting me hang out with you most of the day) Chris (StarWars fan club of NYC), and all of the other wonderful celebrities. I wish you all the best and hope to see you again sometime!

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!

You are visitor Since 11-10-01

Space Ghost Says:.....Please Sign the Guestbook...


***Hi guys little annoying side note again.....DO NOT!!!!!! Take any of these pics from my website without permission...If you really want em just email me first okay? And We'll talk, it'll be fun honest. :) thanks -Steph-