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oOf itz jOycEe (7:57:07): amy?
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:11): yea?
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:25): mornin mornin
oOf itz jOycEe (7:57:25)
: yu really like wu ?
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:28): huh?
oOf itz jOycEe (7:57:30): lolz, morning
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:31): wut u talkin about?
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:41): wu?
oOf itz jOycEe (7:57:43)
: ionno, i read cindy;s xanga and i was jus wondering . . . .
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:47): lols
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:50): lols
ai m9 00 5n (7:57:51)
: no
oOf itz jOycEe (7:58:16)
: so it aint wu den who is it . . . =X >_<
ai m9 00 5n (7:58:34): hahaha ywu?
ai m9 00 5n (7:58:45): lols i'll tell u guys wen we settled
oOf itz jOycEe (7:58:51)
: ionno, train going home ?
oOf itz jOycEe (7:58:57): aww !! =[
oOf itz jOycEe (7:58:59): blehh
ai m9 00 5n (7:59:08): lols
ai m9 00 5n (7:59:34): adeline was wit us
oOf itz jOycEe (7:59:37)
: c`mon !! i told yu who i liked it back den =X
ai m9 00 5n (7:59:37): no1 cae 2 1st....
oOf itz jOycEe (7:59:44): yeah i heard =x
ai m9 00 5n (7:59:46): came*
ai m9 00 5n (7:59:54): i wud wanna tell u
ai m9 00 5n (7:59:57)
: but den....
ai m9 00 5n (8:00:02)
: xD i dun want no1 2 no yet
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:12)
: >_<
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:15): willie ?!
ai m9 00 5n (8:00:24): of course not!
ai m9 00 5n (8:00:36): he da 1 dat got mue picked up!!!
ai m9 00 5n (8:00:40)
: me*
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:42)
: hmm
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:46): go home witchu...
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:48): its only wu
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:50): -_-'
ai m9 00 5n (8:00:54): and he walked away from us wen he got away wit his fuckin fake college id
oOf itz jOycEe (8:00:55): dat is a boyy
ai m9 00 5n (8:01:03): but i dun like wu?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:01:05): wtf
oOf itz jOycEe (8:01:09): dats so fcuked up
ai m9 00 5n (8:01:11): ?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:01:17): ai m9 00 5n (8:02:53 AM): and he walked away from us wen he got away wit his fuckin fake college id
ai m9 00 5n (8:01:28)
: dat was willie
oOf itz jOycEe (8:01:36)
: yeah i noe
oOf itz jOycEe (8:01:38): dats wut i sed
ai m9 00 5n (8:01:41): yea
ai m9 00 5n (8:01:52): he was like on da side doin nth wen we was still wit da cops
oOf itz jOycEe (8:02:29)
: -_-'
ai m9 00 5n (8:02:30): me and wu only fds
oOf itz jOycEe (8:02:36): fds?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:02:41): oh
ai m9 00 5n (8:02:44): yea
oOf itz jOycEe (8:02:48): den who else go home witchu !! -_-'
ai m9 00 5n (8:02:54): ahha he not from 1st
oOf itz jOycEe (8:02:59): ohh
oOf itz jOycEe (8:03:01): no wonderr
ai m9 00 5n (8:03:04): hes from my school
ai m9 00 5n (8:03:05): xD
oOf itz jOycEe (8:03:12)
: hes chink ?>
ai m9 00 5n (8:03:16): yea
oOf itz jOycEe (8:03:36): ohh
oOf itz jOycEe (8:03:39): okays den i`ll wait x]
ai m9 00 5n (8:03:43): wilson
ai m9 00 5n (8:03:44): xD
ai m9 00 5n (8:03:57)
: tsiu sth like dat
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:02)
: wilson tsiu
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:02)
: dats his name ?
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:05): yea
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:11): errr i derno him den =X
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:15): xD
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:20): he chills in ct too
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:22)
: 128
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:23)
: oh
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:25): i dink?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:32): does he hav a xanga or ne ding like dat
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:34): with a pix
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:38): or jus xanga na,e
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:40): name*
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:43): he dun go online...
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:48): fuckin cheap
ai m9 00 5n (8:04:49)
: xD
oOf itz jOycEe (8:04:55)
ai m9 00 5n (8:05:04): ahhaha but he got nextel/.....=/
ai m9 00 5n (8:05:51): u comin out 2day?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:05:51)
: ooo
oOf itz jOycEe (8:05:56): i got work today
ai m9 00 5n (8:06:00): o yea
ai m9 00 5n (8:06:38): soon rite?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:07:10)
: imma leave my house around 9:30 but imma get ready soon
ai m9 00 5n (8:07:15): oooo
Session concluded at 8:13:29 AM
oOf itz jOycEe (8:25:15): waiit, are yu and wilson going out already ?
ai m9 00 5n (8:25:25): he asked yesterday
oOf itz jOycEe (8:25:32): yu sed yes ?
ai m9 00 5n (8:25:35): yea...
oOf itz jOycEe (8:25:41): hmm how he look like ?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:25:59): how old is he again ????
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:02): he 1/2 azn 1/2 korean
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:04): 17
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:18)
: but canto blood
oOf itz jOycEe (8:26:20)
: omg krn !! dey look goooooooood [only sum]
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:25): lmao
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:38): he mad.....tall? jus likelarry
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:42)
: skin color too
oOf itz jOycEe (8:26:45)
: is he gonna come to 1st ?!?! i wanna see how he look like -_-'
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:49): soon
ai m9 00 5n (8:26:58): wen we settle dings down....
oOf itz jOycEe (8:26:59)
: hmm yur school ? dats mean yu stil gonna transfer ?
ai m9 00 5n (8:27:01): make sure u no....
ai m9 00 5n (8:27:05): yup
oOf itz jOycEe (8:27:15)
: why !! he goes to yur school
ai m9 00 5n (8:27:20): i already took da god damn test....da school across from 1st
ai m9 00 5n (8:27:21): xDX
oOf itz jOycEe (8:27:27)
: yeah i heard. . .
ai m9 00 5n (8:27:30): uh huh
oOf itz jOycEe (8:27:48): yu never noticed him in yur school or sumin ?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:03): becos i remember yu sed da people at ur school aint dat cute esp da chinks
ai m9 00 5n (8:28:19): he a new transfer student
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:25): ooo no wonder
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:26): ;]
ai m9 00 5n (8:28:27): from flushin hs
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:34): damn those krn !!
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:40): cant come to humanities
ai m9 00 5n (8:28:40): he came in da school jus last week of nov
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:41): dey suck
ai m9 00 5n (8:28:45): ahhhaah
ai m9 00 5n (8:28:47): no no...joyce
ai m9 00 5n (8:28:48)
: xD
oOf itz jOycEe (8:28:55)
: yes !! =]
ai m9 00 5n (8:29:01): :-P
oOf itz jOycEe (8:29:15): watcha means wen yu sed settle dings down ?
oOf itz jOycEe (8:29:25): and make sure i no? dun i already noe. . =X
ai m9 00 5n (8:30:31): um make sure if we made da rite decision
oOf itz jOycEe (8:30:37): ohhs
ai m9 00 5n (8:30:43): i dun want us 2 regret
oOf itz jOycEe (8:30:49): oh =X
ai m9 00 5n (8:31:00): yup yup
oOf itz jOycEe (8:31:01): i`ll ttyl i needa get ready =] and congrats !! xP
ai m9 00 5n (8:31:06): kk thnx!!
oOf itz jOycEe (8:31:09): :-P
ai m9 00 5n (8:31:09): where i b seein rues?
ai m9 00 5n (8:31:10): xD
ai m9 00 5n (8:31:13)
: ures*
oOf itz jOycEe (8:31:24)
: hmm . . when i uhhh
oOf itz jOycEe (8:31:28): ionno =X!
oOf itz jOycEe (8:31:29): lolz
oOf itz jOycEe (8:31:32): ttyL!!
ai m9 00 5n (8:32:17): k have fun at work

Auto response from oOf itz jOycEe (8:32:17)
: busy . leave a msg

Session concluded at 8:32:19 AM