This BAD-ASS banner was made by the lovely Lustless Soul from Difference Design ( Thank you Chanty!!!

We open on Johnny Dymondz sitting in his study at his home in Los Angeles, California, with a glass of water in one hand, a hotdog in the other and the DAW World Heavyweight championship around his waist. It wasn’t custom for him to wear his title belts in promos for other companies but for once he decided to make an exception. The DAW World Heavyweight title was, in a way, why he sat here today after all. Had he not accomplished his dream of winning this belt then he may not have reason to try for another dream, making it to the DWF. Jaydee took a drink from the glass and finished off the hotdog watching something off camera which, as we slowly pan around, we can see was one of Thunderball's matches from a few years ago. Johnny pauses it half way through and turns around to once again face the camera, a grin on his face.

JD: For those that don't know the man that's sitting before you, I am "The Living Highlight" Johnny Dymondz, and here we have Thunderball, one of your so-called "legends" of this organization, competing in a match. I would gather that he hopes to once again hold the DWF World Heavyweight Championship. I never really understood why he, out of all of the wrestlers in this company, would get a chance at that again. Ever since he lost that belt, he hasn't done anything significant to make himself a credible contender for Orion. And not only did I punk Orion, but I ALSO laid out the former #1 contender, "The Black Sheep" Justin Maverick. But even though you've got guys like Chris Comet, Thunderball and Orion as the belt's title holders, it does not make the belt any less prestigious and it certainly doesn't mean that I don't want to get my hands on it! It's the only reason I'm here, but I'm guessing the officials want me to "pay my dues" or some shit. So, they put me in a tag match with J-Con against the former DWF Tag Team Champions, Fire & Ice.

You see, I have a dream. A dream that will no doubt prove to all of the nay-sayers that I'm as good as I say I am. But in order for me to make that dream a reality, I'll have to fulfill certain tasks. I've accomplished the first one a little over three years ago when I walked into the WWX as a relative unknown and became a legend by design, rising through the ranks faster than anyone could have ever deemed possible, winning the World Heavyweight Championship on the war to make the WWX conform to the ways of Sex & Violence.

Johnny points and the camera turns to show the WWX title replicas hanging on the wall.

JD: Then I proceeded to go one step further when I went back to World Xtreme Wrestling, a company that I helped put on the map, and I won the World Heavyweight Championship but not only did I win it, the first man to hold that particular World title after the first one was retired, but I became the first, last and only man to retain the championship on pay-per-view and I did that not only once but twice. Hell I never lost the belt, the company closed and they still had me as their champion. For me that was like living a dream and it proved to millions that I was the man.

Jaydee points again and the camera once again focuses on the WXW World title replica and remains there for a second until Johnny begins talking again.

JD: But millions still saw me as worthless next to men like Chris Comet and Justin Maverick and so to shut them up I went to Elite Wrestling and you guessed it, won the EW World Heavyewight Title. But there were still three companies with reputations that I had not conquered, although Headstrong Wrestling never really appealed to me. That left World Wrestling Xistence and the Defiant Wrestling Federation, both with people who claimed that I would never hold the World title. So, after flipping a coin, I entered the WWX...

He looks down at the belt around his waist and grins.

JD: Do I really need to say it? Two sucessful title defences later and I'm the last REAL WWX World Heavyweight Champion, but there's still the matter of the men and women who are employed here, as well as the hardcore DWF fans who refuse to accept the fact that I'm better than their icons. But I'll resolve that problem real soon because this time, I'm not gonna need to become the number one contender any time soon. I'm gonna do what I do best, and that's kicking ass and I'll go through the entire DWF roster, if need be, to prove that I'm better than any talent that the DWF has ever dreamed of having. And who's the first to feel the wrath of the new and improved Sex & Violence? Avalanche & Volcano? Please, these punks should just leave the company, or better yet, retired a few years back when their names actually meant something, but now they continue to wrestle to prove to themselves that they still got "it" when they never had it in the first place.

Jaydee stops himself and removes the title belt, shaking his head for a moment.

JD: As many of may have noticed by now, I'm not a big fan of the Hardcore Revolution, maybe because of the name. But my beef is not with Avalanche, Volcano, Hellbent or Elektra. It's only with Thunderball, a so-called legend. He and I will never see eye to eye. I'm willing to bet on the fact that both of us will lead our factions into this little conflict. But never once have we been able to go at it in the ring, just the two of us. I'm guessing they are gonna save that for a grand stage. But, what they do hand over is his henchmen and former tag team champions. Normally, I wouldn't even give a shit about this kind of a matchup, but the only reason I'm going into it is simply because that seeing as they are the former tag team champions, I'm thinking that after 'Miah and I beat their asses down, that would put us in line for a tag title shot. I wouldn't normally care for tag team gold, but seeing as it would be 'Miah's first taste, I'll do whatever I can to make that possible.

Because it's time that Thunderball, Fire & Ice, the Hardcore Revolution and the Defiant Wrestling Federation as a whole to learn their place in this world. It's time that you learned that a group of bitches like the Hardcore Revolution has never and will never compare to an entity like Sex & Violence, gods among men, so tonight I'm going to give your two punks a choice. They can either show up, compete and lose, or they can just pull out now and save themselves from the ass-kicking they'll receive. If they choose option two then there's only one thing to say, get down on your knees, clasp your hands together and pray for salvation because tonight will be your judgement day!

Jaydee smirks and shakes his head at the camera as we end our promotional video.

This SWEET banner was made by the lovely Faithless Heart from Difference Design ( Thank you Emz!!!