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Something thrown out...or up...

Here's the page again. I think this is the fifth or sixth webhost this has been on since 1995 or so. Nothing fancy, as usual; just textlinks to old doodles. I haven't drawn since, I think, 2001. I think about starting now and again, but then I remember how much stress it caused me and I stop. Also, my tablet's been wonky for at least a year. -_- Most of these were drawn directly into the computer, unless otherwise noted.

In semi-random order:

The depression pictures:

Anomie ("Alienation") - When I get really depressed, I get hella pretentious and start naming pictures in foreign languages. This one's about burning my bridges behind me. Of course I can't draw things in scale but I didn't care at the time.

Kizu ("Wounds" or "Scars") - If you're wondering, it's not a suicide picture. It's more of a translating emotional wounds into physical ones. I meet a lot of people online who deal with depression by cutting themselves. Others, like me, just try and hurt themselves and everyone around them emotionally. Either way, it tends to feel out of control.

Marionette - Sometimes I kinda feel like this...a broken doll. I was actually trying to draw something with lightsourcing and such, but anyway.

Puter Runeys - Not really depression here, just feeling a bit...aggravated. I wanted a new 'puter, because the one we had seemed to be rapidly self-destructing.

Slimebeast Runey - Silly doodle about self-image. I call myself a "slimebeast" online, because I tend to feel like that.

The black and white stufff:

A goofy Painter Classic doodle (of Hotohori?). - This was the first thing I drew when I got the Wacom Graphire tablet, years ago.

Koneko for Fred's anime club.

Koneko again, this time for the letters column. This one's done in pen and ink.

Zechs (from Gundam Wing) in a wedding dress. Don't ask. ;)

Koyasu Takehito, goofy seiyuu (voice actor), in a bunny suit. He voices Zechs. ;) What can I say? He brings out the silly.

Koneko again, this time in chibi-form. Never did figure out what she should be wearing here.

One of my few attempts at inking with real ink. Came out sorta okay.

This one kinda explains itself, I think.

Expose - When I was trying to teach myself how to draw, back in high school, this is one of the pictures I did. Essentially, it's the cover for Expose's second album. No, not traced, but still, some folks frown on this sort of thing.

It's my hand...whee! - One of the few times I tried a "serious" doodle on the computer. This was done in either MS Paint or Paint Shop Pro with a tablet that wasn't pressure-sensitive. Note the lovely lack of anti-aliasing.

- Marron Glaces from Bakuretsu (Sorcerer) HuntersEhh I was working on a fanart for a certain website's monthly thing, and I did this on a sheet of paper. Looking back on it now, the anatomy around the neck/chest area is wonky, but at the time, I was just kind of happy about the hair shading. I've never really gotten the hang of shading.

Rogue - Rogue from the X-Men, done in MS Paint in around 1997-8. I was still working in more of a strict "comic book" style then.

Storm - Another X-Men member, this time it's Storm. At the time, I was a huge X-Men fan and I really only drew women. Heh. I did this in 1990 or so. Warning for mild nudity.

The color stuff:

Doodle guy - Just a random doodle in Painter Classic. Later, Taeryx wanted me to adjust this picture slightly so she could use it.

Delhazan - Taeryx's character, Delhazan...just a doodle of him though.

Gem - DF's character, Gem.

Chibis, Interrupted - The Koyasu chibis, still unfinished.

Me...sorta - Chibi self-portrait, now in color.

The original version of this picture, before I turned him into Chihaya. ^^;; Done in color pencil on a xerox of the sketch.

Zeikan - Zeikan's character...well, a colored doodle anyhow. Need to do a better one.

Half-colored version of the melancholy elfy sketch.

Chihaya bleeding - The angel boy again, this time colored as Chihaya from Earthian. There's a version of this with a photo background but sometimes I don't like that one, so I put this one up instead.

"Lazy Sunday" - This was a gift art for Shara, who writes Earthian fanfics.

Sephy on the whiteboard - I just was doodling on the Powwow whiteboard and this fellow appeared. ;) Too much Final Fantasy VII, I guess. Shini wrote the caption..

Taeryx - Taeryx liked a sketch I'd done and wanted me to turn it into her character, Taeryx. (Kinda confusing, eh?) This was the sketch I was trying to reproduce, in a larger size, for the Marron picture above.