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Raymond Luxury Yacht's Prank Calls

This is a collection of prank calls I've made. The site isn't fancy because it doesn't need to be. It's a bunch of prank calls. What do you want, Renessaince art? What are you kidding me?

The majority of these calls are celebrity prank calls, which means I used celebrity soundboards- sound clips of various actors and so forth. A few of them are my own voice.

Some calls are "continued" since the software I have has a 1 minute and 55 second limit. I've divided them up for easier listening.

You'll find calls from:
Al Pacino
Arnold Schwartzeneggar
John Candy
Miss Cleo
Chris Farley
Homer Simpson
Jack Tors from the Jerky Boys
Robot Voice(a computer voice synthesizer)
Original calls(my own voice)

Al Pacino

Al Pacino calls a check cashing place. The second part continues the first and is only a few seconds long. Unfortunately a few seconds where Al berates the woman got cut out.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Someone's playing a cruel joke on me..."

Al Pacino calls Games Workshop. The call got cut off, unfortunately. Argh!
Part 1
Quote: "Yup."

Al Pacino calls Taco Bell.
Part 1
Quote: "Yeah what happened?"

Al Pacino calls Taco Bell again.
Part 1
Quote: "Okay sir, I'm at work, do you have anything else better you wanna do?"

Arnold Schwartzeneggar

Arnold calls Papa Johns.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Who is what?"

John Candy

John calls Wendy's.
Part 1
Quote: "....."

John calls an ex-friend of mine. This is funny!
Part 1
Quote: "I dunno, did you brush yours?"

Miss Cleo

Miss Cleo calls Dunken Donuts. A personal favorite!
Part 1
Quote: "Are you my girlfriend? I love yoooou, aaah, I love you..."

Miss Cleo calls Heavenly Ham.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Can I help you? CAN I HELP YOU?!"

Miss Cleo calls a random woman. This woman doesn't like talking to Miss Cleo!
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Oh, nevermind!"

Miss Cleo calls Rite Aid.
Part 1
Quote: "....."

Miss Cleo calls Taco Bell. The first call is scratchy. The lady doesn't want to talk. Miss Cleo isn't a quitter though and she calls back a couple times. The second one is good!
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Quote: "Uh, this not Miss Cleo."

Chris Farley

Chris calls Safeway.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Listen to this guy."

Homer Simpson

Homer calls a bar. They think it's funny and pass the phone around. This one is good!
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Yeah, I was there."

Homer calls Herman's Bakery.
Part 1
Quote: "Who is this?!"

Jack Tors from the Jerky Boys

Jack calls Dunkin Donuts.
Part 1
Quote: "Fat muffin man?"

Jack calls another Dunkin Donuts.
Part 1
Quote: "Muffing?"

Jack calls Herman's Bakery.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "Why you playin'?"

Jack calls another Herman's Bakery.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Quote: "Grow up asshole!"

Jack calls Herman's again. The people there think it's funny and play along. Then one of them thinks Jack is another employee's son!
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "I haven't seen him lately..."

Jack calls Taco Bell.
Part 1
Quote: "....."

Robot voice

I use a voice synthesizer program for these.

I use a robotic voice to call Dunken Donuts.
Part 1
Quote: "Do you sell creme filled scrotums?"

I use a robotic voice to call another Dunken Donuts.
Part 1
Quote: "Hello I am a donut eating computer."

I use a robotic voice to call another yet another Dunken Donuts.
Part 1
Quote: "This is a TDD relay call for the hearing repaired."

I use a singing child voice to call an ex-friend and sing him a song accusing him of molesting children at 3am. He was not amused. Part 1
Quote: "I heard you molest children and you're running free."

Original calls

I call a Catholic book store and ask for books by LeVay, Gardener, as well as the Necronomicon, the Mortorum De Monto, and the Guide to the Black Mass.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "This is a Catholic book?"

I call "Crabs Down Under" and try to sell the guy some of my crabs.
Part 1
Quote: "Are they Australian crabs?"

I call an escort service to see what they will do.
Part 1
Quote: "Maybe you should call someplace else..."

I call another escort service to see if they will be friendlier. By the end the woman wants to get a date with me! This never happened when I was single.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Quote: "I get off at 11."

I call a prayer line to get an exorcism. They go to get a priest, but I get disconnected before I can talk to him. Dammit! This could have been really funny too.
Part 1
Part 2
Quote: "The devil works after 6 ma'am."

Special Thanks to HTML Goodies!