My Secrets

So you're interested in my secrets eh?  Well, you have come to the right place!  My secrets consist of many things, ideas, dreams, secret chapter of Para Angels, journals, original snack and food recipes, tips about drawing, photoshop, photography, etc.  Well, if you already know me, you probably already know most of my secrets, but there are more.  I'm a bottomless pit of secrets.  Yes, so many things to tell, so little time.  But there is a catch...

Do you think I'm that easy to tell you all my "dirty", I mean "good" secrets?  No way!  LOL!  You have to work for it.  Not that hard, but hard...

Leave this page if you cannot take the challenge, but if you are still interested, go into "Fun Page" and look for "Secret Quest" to begin the "test," I mean "challenge."  Bai now! 

One more thing, some of you will think this is some funny, corny, or even a stupid joke, but it's not.  I'm spilling my whole life for you as an open book.  So this is no silly matter.