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Nny's of the world unite!

You are a Nny if.....

If your a Nny like me Then this is the place to be!Though still a work in progress I am sure when finished you will love this site.For those of you who are not Nnys WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE!Enjoy! I think it time for a little JohNny don't you?Everyone can use some JohNny in their daily diet!For those of you who don't know Nny,he is a homisidal maniac,need I say more!What?What do you mean I do?If thats not enough for you then kiss my ass cause thats all I'm gonna tell you!How do you like them apples bitch!If you don't like my attitude then in the words of happy noodle boy So you still want to give me lip heh,Nny a little help please Yeah I thought you'd see things my way! Well here is the designated place for all my future executions so as to feed the wall! What wall you say?Why would anyone feed a wall you say?JohNny tell em Yeah what he said!Well thats enough torture for now.Whats that Nny?You can never have enough torture you say?Well I suppose your right Nny.What was I thinking? You tell him doughboy!Wobble Headed Bob you just need to stay out of this one or I'll let Nny do terrible terrible things to you! Now Nny just chill for a little while and let your nerves settle! Now see,feel better don't we?No?Well go sneak into squee's house,that always seems to work! Now squee haven't we learned yet that Nny is our friend?Well I think I am gonna say good riddens to you all and leave you with a message from nailbunny On second thought go ahead do it.Kill yourself.I dare you!I double dare you!I knew it you fucking pansy!Oh no! Image hosted by Photobucket.comBe carefull!Don't move!Be very very quiet!I think we're being watched! Never mind it's just Nny!He likes to keep an eye on my perspective kills for the wall.I don't mind though cause he gives me ideas.Though I can't say tweedle dee and dumb are much help.They are really more of a nucence.They tend to make me stray from the task at hand more often then not. Fuck off doughboys I'm talking here.OOOHHHH Yeah!I almost forgot!All must bow before SPOOKY!SPOOKY demands you bow before him NOW!!!!! No Nny!Not GOD!SPOOKY! Nailbunny wanted to say hi to all so here he is. Speak damn you speak!Fucking bunny never talks when you want him too,But can't seem to keep him quiet when you want him to shutup! Oh well fuck it!Sorry fucks!Ain't none of you but Nny worth a damn!I gotta go.I feel the need to go kill something.The wall needs a new coat anyway!Fuck you all,and may nightmares fill your nights with screams and horror beyond your imagination!HEHE! All images used in the making of this website are copyrighted to Johnen Vasques and affiliates.

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