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Welcome to Planet Magrathea

NEWS: 9-7-03

Three months. Been three whole months. And that's because I plan on... a CLEAN SLATE! Yes. I'm erasing all of Magrathea and starting fresh and new. A whole new concept. Same sprites, different characters, however you want to look at it. So... it is today that I start over, brand new. Comics come whenever I want to post them, but I would suspect a couple times a week. As archives come into existence (starting episode #002), and other options, their choices will become available below the most recent comic which, as you may have seen, is right above.

Old fans of Magrathea (yeah, all four of you), this new thing might not be as funny, and this first comic might not be very funny, but it's more like a preview of what's to come. Stay tuned, fellow Cassy fans!

UPDATE: These fucking Angelfire communists decided to splash an advertisement RIGHT ACROSS MY GODDAMN COMIC. So I'll be trying my damndest to avoid it. *sigh* This means a big ugly break between the news (which is now on top) and the comic itself, which, hopefully, will be below. Alas.

UPDATE: Forgot to mention this: I WON'T be able to make a tri-weekly comic for you. During the week, I'll be over at my dad's house, which is ill equipped to make this kind of comic. Over the weekends I'm here at my mom's, so I can make them. Because of that I'll likely make two comics every weekend, just for you.

How we doin' so far?
hits since 4-10-2003

Metroid and Zelda sprites are property of Nintendo. Final Fantasy sprites are property of Squaresoft. Actual sprite sheets are property of their respective owners. The content of this site is copyrighted by me, Cassandra Bolton 2003. Nyah.