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Okay, Yes, this may come about as a little odd, and will probably seem like I stole something from star wars, but I wrote The Demon of Elru before this, This would be the prequel to it. Can get somewhat violent, so.. as usual, children under the ages of three will have no clue what it says. 0=)

The sky was clear this day, the crystalline blue fading behind the cotton-like clouds. The grass was green and alive, dancing gracefully in the wind. Flowers had begun to flourish in the newborn sun, spreading their pedals towards the east to greet the new day cheerfully. The lush forests of trees swayed now and then in the cool summer breeze. All was as it should have been on such a beautiful day.

Silently a shadow began to sink across the land, snuffing out all the happiness and life that once bloomed there. Above, a vessel slowly moved through the moist morning air. Smooth as silk its hull seemed, from the tip of the bow to the oddly silent burning engines in the stern. Sadly, this was no ordinary ship. It was a vessel of destruction, of death. across the short wings of the warship, weapons of all sorts laid in wait, eagerly wishing the vessel onward, wanting for nothing more than to finally taste blood after the long journey. Inside, soldiers in elaborate ivory and ebon uniforms scurried to the different sections, most to the armory for hand-held weapons of death. Another popular area at the time was the separate hangers, seven in total: Three across the underbelly of the beast and a single, larger hanger fitted near the bow. Inside these many hangers lay weapons of mass destruction; Gears, they were called. Humanoid mechanical weapons, piloted by a single man or woman, and possessing numerous weapons, each easily capable of causing massive destruction on their own. Yet in each of the six smaller hangers, there were rows of hundreds. The bridge was also teeming with activity, the commander of the ship silently stood, watching the view screen intently, just waiting, almost wishing, for the enemy to attack.

Behind the massive Vessel floated numerous others, three hundreds easily. Each with equal armament as the lead vessel. In each pilots hurried to their gears, crew to their posts at everything from weapons systems to engine rooms to navigational monitors.

But the others were not important, nay, they were miniscule in comparison to the lead. For while all the commanders may have had their own medals and honors, only one of those men were truly imperative.

Irritated, the commander quickly tapped a finger atop the metal head for the monitor. His drab was far different from any other soldier in the ship; while still consisting of the standard white and black colors, his attached with a cloak, one that currently lay dormant about his legs. His hair was another queer feature, pure white it sat, cut short, yet loose, as the solarian military has no such regulation against haircuts as most might. His eyes were deep and icy, showing a murderous intent that it would incite terror in even the most ignorant lambs. Hidden at his side was his weapon, and possibly the most frightening feature about him; his sword. Now it sat listlessly in its sheath, but when it was drawn it was a rare sight to behold. It shone in the light like a divine power, and when used, it lived up to expectations, easily. Ramsus was a skilled swordsman and had been trained, molded, to be stronger than any other.

Slowly, Ramsus turned to the Navigator. “How long before we reach Elru?” he asked, with a nonchalant tone.

The technician raised his gaze to the commander for a moment. “at our current speed of 170 repsol, we should reach Elru on schedule, sir.” he replied, a bit anxious of the upcoming battle.

Ramsus turned back to the view screen- this was not soon enough for his liking. He ordered an increase of speed to 230 repsol. They would arrive there ahead of schedule and would have no need for that... “secret weapon”. He would prove that he was more than man enough to defeat a pathetic army of lambs. At his side, as she always has been, stood his lieutenant; Miang. She was possibly even more feared than her commander, for while at times she would be non-hostile, and usually the first to sound a retreat, it was obvious there was more to her than it seemed.

The armada began the final approach on Elru, though Ramsus’ ship was quickly pulling away from the others.

Deep within the vessel sat another man, of equal, or possibly greater intent than that of the commander. Locked in his quarters he sat in utter silence, considering outcomes of the battle to come. Though his quarters were in all actuality nothing more than a glorified prison, he did not mind, no, he knew he would be released soon enough. Quietly he planned, and schemed of the war. He knew he was nothing more than a weapon for the others, but he cared not for their trivialities. It was alright with him that they “used” him. It gave him the chance to kill, to taste blood once again. To quench the insatiable, rising thirst for violence.

He grinned to himself, leaning back into his seat, crossing his arms behind his head, and as he sat there, his crimson locks of hair listlessly swaying in the dim breeze of a nearby vent, he stared up at the fluorescent lamp bathing his cell in the same bright, white, purifying light it always has. This was going to be a good day.

Miang stood silently aside Ramsus, peering over at him from time to time. He glared back at her now and then, and grimaced. There was something about her, Behind the amethyst hair and crystalline violet eyes, her youthful appearance, behind all that, there was something lying in wait. She was obviously scheming things he had no knowledge about, and though he had known years before, something about her face this day told him something... unexpected.. was going to occur. And the black-armored beast deep within the ship worried him. He could not allow it to be used, under any circumstances. No, he was the commander of the Gebler fleet, the greatest armada in all of Solaris! He would not be outdone by some psychotic war machine. He was meant for more, he felt it coursing through his veins, he would one day watch that pathetic demon rot in some prison. But always mindful he was, even if it seemed otherwise, he was in total control, and he loved it. In fact, he had always been in control, throughout his entire life, save for maybe one incident... But he could not afford to dwell on that situation at the moment, war was at hand, and he would prove to the emperor that he was more than worthy of respect!

Deep within the city of Elru, the information had been leaked. They knew of the incoming onslaught, and all soldiers and crew were dashing to their posts at the defensive ionic cannons and tank-like gears as the Gebler fleet approached. Within mere moments, the hangers were completely filled with heavily armored gears, quickly launching from the numerous hangers littering the city. While they may not have been as technologically advanced as Solaris, they had far greater numbers. They had fought off the Solarians before, it would be no different this time. But while the ion cannons were still in the middle of charging, a low, dull rumble began to emanate throughout Elru. As remaining civilians looked to the sky, they saw the Gebler flagship surging towards the city at attack velocity. Sheer, unbridled panic erupted in the streets, many abandoned their vehicles and began to run, anywhere, as long as it was nowhere near the flagship. The Elrusians had been caught off-guard, the Solarian fleet arrived far sooner than expected, and their main defense against such powerful ships, the ion cannons, would still take a far too long to finish charging.

Aboard the flagship, Ramsus smiled, a malicious grin the likes of which none on that bridge had seen for years, and all aboard knew he planned more than the emperor had ordered.

All along the ship, the six sub-hangers had already begun to creak open, advanced Gebler gears already firing out like bullets into the air. Most turned quickly after stopping, to face the onslaught of the thousands of Elrusian lower-tech models. Not a pilot among them were frightened of such a number, and most were already wielding everything from the larger laser rifles to the different smaller guns built into the Gebler designs, as well as with their own Vibra-swords and axes, both of which were equally devastating, as when they struck an opponent, they would vibrate violently, causing it to sear through metal and flesh alike within seconds. About the flagship, though, smaller compartments were opening along the wings and in the bow, each revealing a substantially larger cannon, easily capable of wiping out the small gears with a single shot, and each wielded with deadly accuracy from the veteran pilots that used them.

Ramsus turned his head to Miang, “Order my Wyvern to be prepared and sent to the main hanger, I will be there shortly.” were his orders, though she thought he sounded a little too eager for battle. But regardless, she nodded and turned to the panel behind her, sending his orders through the comlink to the gear-storage bay.

Ramsus left the bridge after relinquishing command to Miang temporarily, and ordered her to destroy the ion cannons as soon as they were within range. With that, he strode down the halls and into the lift, grasping the hilt of his sword anxiously, unable to wait for the upcoming battle against the lambs.

Outside, things were not faring so easily as they had hoped; the Elrusians had been receiving extra gear parts from sympathizers and they had more than enough eager pilots for them. Luckily, the Solarians were far more well-trained than the young pilots of Elru, and knew many maneuvers that they did not.

In the bridge, the lieutenant gave her first order as acting captain. “Fire the main batteries at the Elrusian squadron, ensure no one fires unless they have a lock-on.”

The communications officer quickly relayed the message, and within minutes, the warships cannons began to unleash a devastating barrage of energy unto the panicked Elrusians. Most of the inexperienced pilots were instantly vaporized, others being just skimmed by the blast and lost engine control, some spiraling downward into the forest, and often becoming impaled into the massive, leafy stakes. Others were not so fortunate, soaring straight upwards into the clouds, knowing full-well that if they couldn’t eject, they would simply run out of fuel and come crashing down at an obscene velocity. All of these factors had been taken in by the Gebler commander, Ramsus, as he entered the main hanger, and saw his Wyvern awaiting him.

Golden plated, with massive scythe-reminiscent wings folded behind its back and a unusually lithe husk, it was a sight to behold. Laying listlessly at its side rested a massive golden sword, equipped with a unique energy generator, surrounding the blade and allowing it to strike much faster and deadlier than any weapon in that battle. While flying his Wyvern, he knew full well he would prove to his superiors that he was far more useful than the chained beast lurking within the vessel, and he spat on its name as he boarded the lift leading to Wyverns cockpit.

“ID,” he cursed, “what kind of moronic name is that for a man!?” his voice filled with hatred as he mentioned the weapon. “No. I will not allow such a thing to get the better of me. He was born a Lamb, he will live as a Lamb, and he will die as a Lamb: rotting away in a prison or a sewage pipe.”

As he continued to curse the mans name he entered the cockpit, sitting down and activating the various system checks. The cockpit shield closed with a low hiss as the lights and displays inside began to come online. After a few moments, the docking pads released Wyvern, and it took a massive step forward, twisting back slightly and wrapping the huge golden claws around the hilt of his sword, and unsheathing it from its resting place, knowing full well it wished for nothing more than to find itself inside another living being, to snuff out another life force, and Ramsus swore it would get the chance soon enough.

Wyvern soon stepped onto the gear-launching system, a large pad were gears were catapulted from the hanger at high speeds, thought Ramsus knew that speed was nothing compared to his Wyverns maximum, but it would have to do.

He ignited the Wyverns engines, the pad began to speed forward. Within seconds, he was outside, searing through the air like a lit arrow, using the Wyverns engines to increase his speed far further than the launch.

Suddenly the Wyvern shuddered and went into a spin, its wing had been hit by a laser cannon, probably of Elrusian design. He used the spinning to gain more momentum, twisting through the air like a feather floating downwards to the ground, then quickly ignited his engines, launching at a massive speed towards the one that wielded the cannon which singed his armor, raising his sword and with a slight grin, he quickly overcame the gear that had begun to flee, and chuckled to himself as it began a descent soon after, only smoke and electricity leaping from the gear, he had ensured the strike was surgical, disabling the lambs ejection system. No one would fire upon his Wyvern and escape so easily.

The Elrusians were not sitting so idly either, as their ionic weaponry was finally coming online during the initial moments of battle. Unfortunately, the flagship had just entered weapons range of the cannons.

The lieutenant gave her first order as acting captain, “Have all batteries lock-onto the ion cannons, and fire at will. Three lasers for each cannon should be enough. Have them informed.”

Quickly, the communications officer relayed the order to the crew manning the lasers, and soon all had found a target on Elru, and were calling them in, so no more than three would be on any one cannon. The battle would soon be decided: The Ion cannons would either destroy the warship, or end up destroyed and the city helpless.

Deep within the bowels of darkness ID sat in wait, curious at how much longer he would need to stay caged in this cell like an animal. He stirred, pacing the room like a bloodthirsty tiger with raw meat being dangled in front of it, just out of reach. He would soon get his wish and then, then it would be truly a pleasant time for all.

Outside, Ramsus was easily dispatching his 34th victim, decapitating the gear with one fell swing, then dashing behind it and sending the tip of his blade through the rear of the cockpit. The pilot, who had moved to the side just before impact, flew erratically, twisting and weaving as if drunk beyond recollection. After a few moments, his gear slammed into the hull, causing a sizable explosion. The entire vessel shook.

Inside Miang looked upwards for a moment in thought. A delightfully malicious grin spread across her face, things were going just as planned.

Still pacing in the depths of the ship ID stopped. There was nothing that would cause a ship this size to shake so violently unless... The battle had started! They had left him trapped in this cell, and would not let him battle as he was promised! He would not stand for this. His influence spread across his body, a deep crimson aura emanating from his body, his eyes filling with glee and hate as he clenched his fists. This time, they would all pay for this travesty. No one lied to him and escaped unscathed. They would all die, he would see to it.

Hidden within the weapons storages, something stirred. A gear, its color that of a dim ruby began to activate. The eye-sockets of the chained gear began to glow a bright yellow, its right hand stretching the fingers slowly, it took at step off of the platform, the braces around it breaking off. It had been summoned.

The ship shook more violently than before, the quake followed by a loud explosion. Warning lights were showing up all over the ship, something was tearing through the inner-hull.

“Ma’am, We have warning lights across the board, something just destroyed the Gear storage area!” one of the crew said, in raised voice.

“Ensign Tavares, you have command, I will be joining the commander in battle.” Miang said, in her usual unfeeling tone. With that she left the bridge, and the ship.

As this occurred the ion cannons from Elru opened fire on the warship, tearing through the main section of its hull like a bullet through paper, slaughtering any passers-by instantaneously. As Miangs gear exited the ship, it had already begun its descent into the forest, having taken a serious blow from the lambs’ brutish weaponry.

The explosion from the blast shook the entire area, and most of the gears stopped their fighting, at least temporarily, to see who’s side would be victorious. Ramsus too, turned to the explosion, seeing only dismay and hopelessness. His ship was faltering, and the fleet was at the time, though unbeknownst to him, under assault by the Elrusian sympathizers. Help would not arrive in time, and even Ramsus was not so cocky as to think his Wyvern could survive a blast from one of those cannons and still be able to fight.

Luckily, and yet, unluckily, the crimson gear that had been tearing its way through the Gebler ships’ hull had reached its beckoner. ID gazed longingly upon his gear, it had been far too long since either of them had tasted the sweet wine that was death. He leapt a surprising height, just as the cockpit had opened itself to its master. Inside he sat, controlling the gear with his mind, rather than with clumsy controls, like normal gears. Its back lit up with a brilliant blue ember, the engines igniting reaching maximum power. Then it took off, tearing through the worthless hull, and any stragglers that hadn’t already launched off in escape pods, searing through the pathetic ship and out into the bright, blue sky. Once he put a few sharls between the ship and himself, he twisted midair, and looked towards the glorious battle ensuing. But rather than discerning Gebler from Elrusian, ID saw only one target: Victims.

Ramsus twirled and weaved through the air, as a few of the ion cannons had locked onto his Wyvern. He was not worried, though, he would easily dodge the slow blasts and frequently, for kicks, he sped in front of Elrusian gears, allowing their own cannons to decimate their forces. Unfortunately, his fun was quickly cut short; a sharp jolt rocketed through Wyvern, the displays quivered with the shock, and Ramsus himself crashed headlong into the main panel. As he cursed and growled, he looked at the displays, seeking the one that could injure his gear so badly. To his dismay, it had been a Ruby gear of only one known model: IDs gear. His eyes widened, hatred quickly filling his vision. With a guttural scream, the Wyvern took off after the Red Gear at top speed, as a small stream of blood trickled down past his eyes, from his forehead. That explained why he was dizzy.

Throughout the battle, the Golden gear was seen chasing after the red streak, smashing and maiming anything that got in his way, ally and enemy alike.

ID, on the other hand, was having far too much fun, he thought to himself, as he reached out and tore through the cockpit of one Gebler gear, ripping the pilot out and throwing the near-death corpse through the air, rocketing towards an Elrusian gear at unknown speeds, so fast it crashed through the blast shield and fell into the lap of the more than surprised pilot. He quickly soared off for more blood, not knowing that Ramsus had been trailing him the entire way.

Miang had already abandoned the distressed commander, heading towards the fleet at a somewhat relaxed speed, wearing a smug grin on her almost-innocent face.

ID laughed to himself hysterically, smashing two unsuspecting gears together, stopping just long enough to watch them slowly crash into the trees, the pilots still screaming for help as the engines exploded. His laughter was cut short, though, as his gear violently shook, and was sent hurtling away from Elru and into the sky.

The Red Gear stopped, and ID composed himself, turning to his assaulter; one of the many ion cannons of Elru. Rage began to fuel his actions as the gear shot like a bullet towards the city, Ramsus barely managing to tail behind.

Most of the citizens had already escaped the city, but those who hadn't were already regretting it, as the red gear swooped low, and at such a speed that the wind trailed him at the force of a hurricane, a child and her mother were swept clearly off the pavement and sent crashing into a nearby building, an explosion emanating from within. ID chuckled to himself- he loved watching people become living projectiles. Horrified soldiers simply ran from their posts in terror, ignoring orders to stay until the end.

A tear began across the cannon, then another, and as a light filled the inside, a red streak escaped, the metals twisting like paper as he burst into the air. He stopped midair to view the destruction as the cannon erupted in a burst of energy, wiping out everything and everyone nearby. He grinned, but was again interrupted as Ramsus’ Wyvern crashed into his gear, the blade quickly searing through the gears armor. ID twirled about through the air, tearing away from the gold gear, and firing his engines towards the fool, anger freely controlling his actions, reaching behind the lithe body, grasping one of its wings and easily tearing it from the husk, laughing hysterically over the comlink. Ramsus could do nothing more than attempt to regain balance and stay alive as the red gear continued to strike Wyvern, ripping off the left arm, knocking his sword and the hand grasping it across the sky, finally spinning through the air into a kick that caused Wyverns head to be torn clear off, falling somewhere about the wreckage.

The Gebler commander struggled to regain control as Wyvern twisted listlessly through the air. Sensors were out, as were the right engines, any kind of upper body limb movement was disabled, and the legs would probably be crushed in the landing. All he could see through the blast shield was ID floating haughtily above him, still laughing at the commanders pathetic failure to even injure him. But the Solarian was not without his own retribution; As ID stood above him, laughing, the all remaining ion cannons had locked onto his gear and had fired. ID was bathed in the Amber glow of the cannons’ shots, explosions surrounding his position soon after. A scream was heard over the comlink, Ramsus assumed it was his.

But as with all actions, there are always consequences. ID’s rage had been unleashed, and out from the explosions shone beams of ruby which decimated anything they touched, buildings were neatly sliced in two, retreating soldiers slaughtered in a similar fashion, the ion cannons being easy targets due to their size, being cleanly cut into two halves, exploding soon after. One of the many beams struck the Wyvern, Ramsus felt the gear shake, and explode just as he hit the eject button. The entire city was bathed in the sphere of light, nothing escaped, and Ramsus’ pod ended up crashing amongst the shot-down pilots and Elrusian soldiers that littered the field.

Then everything went black...

Onto the Demon of Elru

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