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AUTHOR'S NOTE: *cough*. Okay, I know at least a few of you are probably going to ask "Wtf was he on when he wrote this!?", but I promise, I'm not doing anything unethical. In all truthfulness, I got the idea from a movie about a teacher teaching hamlet. ...Yeh. Well, its unbelievably short, But I hope you enjoy it anyways- With any luck, the Shakespearean talking(and acting) angel should be making an appearance in one of my stories, if I get the chance.


"Thy heart weeps," the voice echoed, a
crescendo of harp notes fled silken lips, "thy petals
wilt, and whilst thou wishes naught for his companions don night’s veil," her harmony ceased, the
light grew stale, "continue thou must..." her brow creased, concern drew upon her as a maelstrom
devouring its prey, "my life to yours, that you
might survive thy quest." she brushed a straggled lock
from his brow and smiled. The rest, she spoke in silence.

Life shone unto him, and death grasped vainly
at his heart. He bloomed, away from the night had
he been plucked, and light rekindled sparks once more, erupting from limbo, searing midnight with day.

She clasped him to her breast, perhaps for the final, agonizing moment. Never again would
things be as they were, freedom was as a sparrow, and hawks would soon descend. Diamond gleamed as it streaked from her eye, the thought of this final
embrace devoured their very souls. Myriads of generations and memories fled gladly from her mind, if
only that this moment be preserved. As a babes first glance to its mother, their love last eternally, if only for a moment. At last, she dared once more to
gaze upon her love, he was gone.


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