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AUTHOR'S NOTE: Hi there. This is more of a description on a D&D character I considered making at one time, A Half-Fiend Sorcerer. Of course, he would be a tad too powerful, so I scrapped the idea, but still, he looks cool, doesn't he? =)

          Darkness cleansed the plain, grass bowed in abhorrent servitude to the searing, stale winds of death. Streaks
of flame dotted and played amongst the ash-filled shield. No light shone through that shield, not a single
beam. Two statuesque figures stood amongst the tall grass, one surrounded by an imitated sunlight, the
other by the scorched tips of lifeless grass.

          The easternmost figure grinned a maddened grin. He stood draped in fine silk and iron, forged by dwarven
fists within the fiery reaches of a volcanic smithy. In one hand, he bore a torch, illuminating a far area with
artificial sunlight, in vain hopes that it would frighten his opponent off. In his other hand, he grasped a fine sword,
blessed by powerful priests and mages, the bastard sword was constructed for the sole purpose of smiting evil
from the planes, and he intended to use it to deadly effect. Rung about his neck was a thin silver cross and about
the pristine gleam of his plated armor in the false light, many stones lay embedded. This man was a true hunter
evil, undisputed in many battles, against Lich, Tanar'ri, and the vilest of necromancer, and he had little
intention of letting this 'bastard child' leave this tainted land alive.

          But then again, his opponent was no less menacing. No, in fact, most would dare that he was far more terrible
than the paladin whom he currently warred against. Deep in the western plain, surrounded by scorched grass and
burnt flowers, he stood. Layer upon layer of abyssal robes concealed the hellish beast within. Its skin as onyx and
brimstone, scaled and throng with thorns across his fiendish hide. A lithe tail swept behind him, viciously
designed claws clinched before him. From his back grew two massive bat-like wings, currently hidden behind his
weakened form. One of his devilish hands groped a spell book, though he had no use for such trivialities. His eyes
gleamed a deep scarlet, glinting against the night of his face. A devious grin parted his lips, bearing animalistic
fangs against his foe. What hair he had was slicked back, alongside it swept his horns. Despite the weakness
shown of this mantle of combed hair and marrow, his weakness could still inflict a deadly impaling strike against
any whom dared to question his prowess. The sky had been his doing, and the human whom challenged him lay
coated in darkness, if not for his infernal enchantment. The fools' companions already lay thronged across the
burnt plain, either unconscious or comatose, neither combatants cared.

          The fiend reached a thorny claw to his prey. "Why do you not just run and hide, like all good little vermin?"
he mused.

          Tefiron snorted, "You are the only vermin here, and soon, that problem will be remedied as well." he held his
sword high, a bright silvery sheen across its blade.

          "Yes... it will." the bastard-fiend grimaced, holding a claw to his breast. A spark lighted, slowly, as his claw
drew in arcane movements about the stale air afore him.

          The spark ignited a second. Then a third, and the second to a fourth. The fiend scowled into a grin as the
sparks continued to multiply, growing ever larger, ever devastating. Within moments, the sparks had grown into a
flame, balled together by magic's it spun about in the palm of his hand, greedily swallowing yet more air to fill its
endless belly.

          Tefiron blinked, seeing the spell, and immediately knowing its consequences. He made a mad dash towards
his 'prey', a river of light flowed in his wake. Alas, he could not run fast enough, not for this beast. The clawed
had released the fiery orb in a motion towards the light-monger. The clove the air intently, still feeding hungrily as
it sped towards its target. The fireball shed skin after skin, slipping from the peak to the tail, then stripping into
nothingness in the gust that followed. Each new skin was replaced with a larger, stronger layer, and as it streaked
forward, it grew easily double in size.

          Tefiron leaped madly to the side grass, just before the fireball struck. A blinding light ensued, tearing away
the night momentarily, searing the area within a massive orb of hellfire, scorching grass to its roots, disintegrating
flowers within a blinding light, and searing the silken garb of the paladin. The half-fiend, known only as
Sevash'Tor, simply grinned, stretching out his wings sleepily.

          "You humans... far too full of yourselves," he continued his horrid smile, glaring across the burned circle,
"never know when you're outmatched..." he added, folding his wings behind him once more. He turned from the
current blaze spreading across the plain, but he spoke to soon. He always gloated too much, he would need to
work on that.

          Tefiron burst from the hellfire as a Celestial with a grudge. Scorn and scorched, despite himself, he grinned.
All demons thought a simple fireball would decimate any warrior. He would be sure to make the bastard pay for it.

          Out from the corner of his crimson eye, a gleam caught Sevash'Tor's attention. He turned, but quickly
wished he hadn't. Blade cleaved flesh and scale, a shriek sounded. Armor and claw clashed. Tefiron embedded his
sword still deeper into the demons' shoulder snapping veins and muscle like paper, burning its impure flesh
with pure energies. Tor groaned, staring up against this human that smote him with malicious intent. He muttered
a few words, and yanked backwards, pulling the sword from his shoulder, just as a spell encased his flesh. He
smiled and cast a second spell. Scarlet flared, muscles tensed, a thick, oily blood seeped from his shoulder. He
unleashed a feral roar, and dashed towards the human.

          Startled, Tefiron attempted to block with his blade, to little avail. The beast grasped a fist over the sword, and
despite the enchantments, pulled greedily at it, yanking the warrior forward- Onto the demons awaiting, clawed
hand. Nail drove through his armor as a lance through leather, boring just below his ribcage, reaching the bloodied
hands upward, and digging nails into the humans bone. At the same moment, he bore onto the agonized paladin's
neck, teeth sharpened as daggers chewed through vital conduits, and before the man realized what had transpired,
his collar bone lay shattered, life seeped from his neck and his stomach, and his nervous system tingled with jolts
of pain, spiking across every pore of his body in agonizing defeat. The transformation spell wore off just as
Tefiron slumped lazily to the burning field. Sevash'Tor smiled at the crumpled warrior, veins still lingering
between his razor-like teeth, and an snapped bone, a trophy, if you will, clasped within his off hand. He rose his
right finger into the dead air. Green sparks surrounded it as he chanted, swirling and massing at the tip. He glared
at his supposed 'hunter', and pointed the glowing finger at the dying corpse.

          "This time, you'll get no second chance, vermin."

          A brilliant jaded beam streaked from his finger into Tefiron's chest. Moments later, only a pile of dust
remained of the once-powerful savior.

          Sevash'Tor turned from the field, nearly consumed with flame as it was, and opened his wings. He took to
the air just as the hellfire bore across the grass he trod, vanishing into the blackened clouds, laughing to himself at
the pitiful attempts humans make to hunt down those unlike them. All that remained was a small pile of dust
alongside burning, unconscious comrades.


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