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Laundry Art

Art for the manga

More Comic art
*note: Some of the color info is 
crazy and until I get it fixed, 
many of the images will be distorted.
** the gallery has been split 
up to avoid 10-hr load times

and FT cover-type
Chibi angel 
of Pineapple!
FT as a
chibi angel!
 and Skittles
Grey makes
a cute angel!

I tried to use 
perspective. It
came out ok...
but I like the
pose and CG.
FT can be so cute

Mop had no pics.
Grey had pics before
even being introduced!
So here is one of Mop's
first pics!

More to come once they are scanned in!
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Page 2 Page 4 Kiriban pics Index