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Laundry Art

Art for the manga

Some of this art is early stuff, and the characters
have changed in many ways since these early bits.
I've fixed my scanner and the art is going to keep
flowing. The early stuff 
is somewhat crappy because I had yet gotten used to 
drawing the characters. In fact, the most noticable
features that change are the length of FT's hair and
the shape of Pineapple's nose! Click to enlarge! not his nose...
*note: Some of the color info is 
crazy and until I get it fixed, 
many of the images will be distorted.
** the gallery has been split 
up to avoid 10-hr load times

 One of first
color and ink 
Laundry pics   
 The earliest
attempt I did 
at a full-size 
FT character pic
 FT and Pine-
apple. One of
my favorites.  

 The first
big char pic of
Pineapple. Kat
says "he looks
damn sexy here"  

This one
took close to 
4 days to be 
This is my best 
Laundry pic yet
This one
did not come out 
as well as I had fact
I think it kinda 
This is
a comp-colored
job of Minty...
it's not great,
but its still so
I love
this pic of FT 
and Pineapple
Pineapple came 
out especially 
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