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Kristina Kincaid

Kristina Kincaid

Kristina was born in the farmtown of Freetown,Mass she was raised learning everything and anything about the farmlife. Her Family Consisted of her mother,father and a step-brother who was about 5 years older than her. When she was born they knew she was special due to the fact that if she was kept out of the sun to long she would grow lethargic and when in the sun her hands would glow like fire , when she had tempertantrums gold like fire would shoot from her hands and tv's, phones and anything that operated with satelites would go hair wire and things she was near would melt if she was really upset, But that was rare. For she had loving parents and a devoted brother.

Shortly after her 6th birthday while helping her brother with chores the sheriff pulled up to the house and called her and her brother out of the feild, when they got there he had told them there had been a accident, there parents on the way back home were killed when a Tractor Trailer truck went out of control and flipped its cargo right on top of there truck. Hearing this news her brother screamed and fell sobbing to the ground but she had remained strangely silent, for all she thought about at that moment was how her mom and dad said that she was not to show how special she was in front of police , so she just stood there looking blankly in the face of the police man and a hand resting on her brothers shoulder. She did not speak until after the funeral when her and her brother were packing her things, she was to go live with her fathers sister in Las Vegas and her brother was to go live with his biological father in Seattle, Washington. She started to cry out it wasnt fair and then she just exploded her hands flared up and she blasted a hole in the side of the house, she fell to the ground and sobbed for two hours straight while her brother held her , it was the last time she cried to date

From that day on at the tender age of six she vowed to herself that she would live life to the fullest that she can.She tried every thing once, and tried to learn the things that she could. Living in Las Vegas with a Aunt that owned a Garden Shop , she learned alot about horitculture and her Aunts boyfriend owned a ranch so she learned a whole lot about farm animals and such. She had trained herself on how to control her solar powers, and she worked hard to train herself, she didnt have full control over it at first but she knew with practice it could be done. She took Many odd jobs after school, becoming a Apprentice to many of her Aunts Freinds, and learning there trade, during the summer she would work for them full time and after school during school.

She had Graduated from school at 15 cause she had skipped a grade, and she had gone throughout school without anyone knowing she was a mutant, even her aunt didnt know. So now she worked at her Step-Uncles ranch in the morning and then afternoon time she would run around working variouse odd jobs with people that were willing to train her. After 16th birthday she was working in ranch barn late at night her uncle blind drunk came up behind her and grabbed her slobbering all over her neck and such. When she pushed him away and told him to back off he grew violent and back handed her she flew back adn was knocked out for a moment , when she came to he was standing over her with a bullwhip and she rolled over and tried to get away , he struck her three times and then she snapped, she flipped to her feet and blasted him back and thru the barn doors. She had adjusted the level to burn his clothes not his skin though and she ran past him he screamed " MUTANT!" she knew then it was her time to go.

Slipping back home she grabed her atm card, her bike pack, a back pack and her built from scratch Motorcycle that she called Frankenstein cause it had parts from all kinds of bikes on it.Doing that she grabbed a envelope with her brothers last known address on it since she he stopped writting her when she was 11, and took off leaving a note for her aunt saying sorry but her husband was a perv and she was not sorry for using her mutant powers on him at all. After clearing out her bank account she traveled on the roads from that day forward never staying in one place to long taking odd jobs here and there learning a few new ones along the way. Heading to Seattle,Washington, to find her brother,But she took her time getting there, almost 8 years, so the first thing she did was look up his old address just to see that the building was burned down has been for over 8 years. About the same time she lost contact with her brother. So now she looks for odd jobs again and puts a ad in the paper asking for any information about a Bryant Kincaid to contact her CellPhone and has it down to be circulated in the paper for three months.Not sure if she will get a reply she figures she will stick around the area for a few months , she had heard about a school for mutant children in rumours in mutant bars, she figures she will see if they need a Handyman/person and it will give her something to do while she waits for her brother to contact her.