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Snuggle Time for Cal and Donna!

Snuggle Time for Cal and Donna!


Cal's so sexy!!! He's got the women waiting in line!!! Cal can't help it -- it's his sense of humor!! And his looks!! Cal's so much fun to be around!! Everybody loves Cal. The women love Cal. Cal's buddies love him. Cal's an all American kind of guy. The only person who could live without Cal is Crystal. She sees right through him.

The Story on Donna

Donna's not your "typical dumb blonde." Donna oozes femininity out of every pore. Men know it, and they like her. Even women like Donna. If Donna's your friend, she makes you feel like you're her best friend. She's always happy to see you. Donna seems to enjoy your company, and you'll have a really good time when you visit each other. Men tend to compete for Donna's affection. Donna doesn't want anyone to feel left out, so she spends as much time as she can with all her friends.

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