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More sketchbook drawings

These are some creatures I talk to in class when I am supposed to be listening to the teacher. I have known these creatures since I was very small. Everyday they used to look at me from the classroom window. Then they turned up on my homework and the teacher got mad. "Would you like to show this to the principal?" she asked me while waving the alien-laden page of fractions at my nose.

These came from a doodle in upper-division Shakespeare

My Shakespeare class is where I create the greatest doodles. Maybe the doodles are better in this class because I am working under the influence of the great literature. My teacher is throwing around words like, "death" "truth" "madness" "disguises" "jealousy", so all sorts of things come to mind.

A family of robots

Robots can't have babies. Yes, they can. When I went back to grad school after teaching for a little while, I started doing the same thing I've always done in class ever since elementary school. Doodling. My teachers told me to stop. Criminal activity. But I can't stop. One thing I learned in class is that I can't write an essay but I can be shocking. Being shocking all semester gets you bad grades. Your teacher's nerves are shot. It's like you're the virus and they are the patient. They shoot you with a shot to make you behave. The problem is they don't know what I'm doing because I sit in the back. Sometimes other students come over to watch and it causes a commotion. Like in the Madonna song.

That's me

And I have a stuffy nose. I always do. When I lay down, when I drink milk or eat cheese, when I drink orange juice, when I smell flowers, when I smell the bugs that live in house dust.