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VCatch Virus Catcher V3.6.0.2

License: Freeware           OS: 95/98/NT/2K          Size: 674 KB

From the developer: "vCatch Virus Catcher is free virus protection software that checks all the files sent or downloaded to your computer via e-mail, Web mail, instant messaging, and file-sharing applications. vCatch automatically updates its virus definitions list in your computer once a day. So once you install vCatch, you don't have to do anything else to be constantly protected. In the event that vCatch detects a virus, the software automatically deletes the file and notifies you. vCatch is compatible with Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express, Internet Explorer, Netscape Navigator, ICQ, Napster, Eudora, Netscape Messenger, Gnutella, iMesh, Hotmail, and Yahoo Mail. 

Version does not require the user's e-mail for registration."

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