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LimeWire V1.8

License: Freeware           OS: 95/98/NT/2K/XP          Size: 3.8 MB

LimeWire is a software tool that enables peer-to-peer file sharing on the Gnutella Network. Similar to the popular Napster service, it enables the sharing, searching, and downloading of MP3 music files. LimeWire also lets users share and search for all types of computer files, including music, movies, pictures, games, text documents, recipes, and more. Other features include the ability to push uploads and downloads, BearShare QHD compatibility, the ability to measure the speed of remote hosts and preview files while downloading, and a chat feature. 

Version 1.8 has the ability to send and receive metadata queries for more precise category-specific searching, including the ability to search by ID3 fields for MP3s, and other metadata for video, news, and text files. The latest version also includes an integrated MP3 player with Winamp-style play list support, the ability to view and filter audio search results by bit rate, and the ability to add category-specific information to your files to make them more easily searchable.

LimeWire's Special Features
  • Ease of use - just install, run, and search
  • Unlimited simultaneous searches
  • Customizable Spam / family filters
  • Intelligent packet allocation -- optimizes computing power and bandwidth
  • Will not broadcast or pass on "bad" messages
  • Automatic connection configuration for different speeds, from T3 to modem

Unique Features of LimeWire
  • Anti-Freeloader Features: Choose to protect and enhance the Gnutella network by "preferring" nodes who share files and information.
  • Browse Host: See all files a given host has
  • Library Function: Launch and manage downloaded and shared files
  • Relevancy Scoring: See which search results are most relevant to the search terms

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