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Review on X-Men books.

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Well this has been one hectic month. I just got back from the San Diego Comic Convention and met the legendary Todd McFarlane and got a picture of him and his autograph on one of my Spawn comics! It was great!

As for the comic updates, here they are!

Uncanny ended it's Vanisher storyline in one issue, by Iceman freezing the Vanisher in mid-teleportation. How weak. Here's the issue of that.

They came back next issue with a new story and we never saw plotted issues back and no future plots for what story will hit after this one stops. It's a mission gone bad as the X-Men crash and Stacey X has to keep the X-Men alive through CPR and telepathic instructions from Professor X, but then the Juggernaught appears in the last page. Here's the issues cover.

New X-Men got into this Weapon Twelve thing. Phantom X gives the loot on it to Professor X, but for a price, cash. He gives Professor X a disk hidden in his safe. He knew information on all Weapon X's on it, including Wolverine. And on the last page Phantom X decides to take out Weapon Twelve, and Professor X and Jean Grey follow. Here's the cover of that issue.

The next issue ends this arc and Phantom X kills Weapon Twelve, but escapes. Jean Grey participates in holding the tunnels in place from collapsing on the survivors from Weapon Twelve, and let's Phantom X slip away right before the troops arrive for him and check out what happened. Here's the cover of that issue.

In X-Treme X-Men #15 Storm just get's away from Khan and the team is here for her escape, while Rouge finds Gambit bring the place down with him at the end of the comic. Here's the cover of that issue.

In the next issue of X-Treme X-Men we find out Heather's Shiar (Lifeguard) and she looks different. we also see Rouge bond on Gambit to save him. Storm and the crew escape and take out Khan's place escaping, and Thunderbird finds Rouge on top of Gambit with a sword in their back by Vargas! We all thought he killed them. Here's the issues cover and images.

And the story really concludes as we find out Rouge and Gambit survive and Rouge kills Vargas! Here's the cover of the issue and an image.

And in Wolverine he travels with his old Alpha Flight partner Shaman and has to help train an omega mutant at the end of the issue, and runs into Sasquach and Snowbird down the way in the issue facing Shamans demons. Here's the cover of that issue.

days 'til the release of the next issues!
