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Hemorrhoid Productions

Hello, and welcome to the future home of Hemorrhoid Productions. For more information on what and who we are, please send an email to Thanks!

Wow, it turns out I have enough space on here to put up our newest video. The lighting kind of sucks at first, but it gets better. It will be up shortly (hopefully).

Sorry, I had to take the file off due to the fact that I did not have proper permission to have Marilyn Manson's "Disposable Teens" playing in the opening credits of that video. I have a version of the video without the song, but have not yet had time to re-compile it in *.wmv format. Sorry for the problem, but the other video will be up shortly. --------------------------------------------------

Forest, here are the three files you need to download. Make sure to put them in your mIRC directory. To download, right click on the file, and click "Save Target As". Save it into your main mIRC directory. Once downloaded and placed in the right directory, go into the status screen (the screen that shows "Ping? Pong!") and type /load -rs xdccklipper.mrc

That should take care of you.

File One

File Two

File Three
