Linkage.... Nnnyesss...

I would just like everyone's to know I made all these link images (from images on the people's sites), so if it's not your page that you're taking the image to that I made, all I have to say is: DON'T DO IT MAN! IT'S NOT WORTH IT!!! >p

Look kids! Jenny decided to get off her lazy backside and actually *MAKE* a links page! Wooo!!! If you don't see you link here and you want it on, email to get it on this sorry site!!!

Ryan and his Naval Academy!
This is our very own Jess' band! I still say that *I* should be the vocalist..... maybe I should stick to being the low key role as kazooist though... ::sigh::

Morgan's... special site...
What more can I say? Morgan is just THAT special!

When friends are True
This is Devin's insanely large Vampire Princess Miyu fanfic. Don't worry folks, I don't get it much either! @.@

Squash Possum
Hmm.. Let's see now how do I put this... they rock! And we are their proud sponsor! (Only... we don't give them any monies, it's like givin' money to the homeless peoples...)
One of Jess's inspirations. It makes no sense at all. It's the greatest comic in the world, go read it.
Another of Jess's fav comics. If you think Goats doesn't make sense, this will REALLY fry your brain. It's freaking hilarious, check it out.

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