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Geek It up




About this layout.

Well, nothing much to say about this layout. Just felt like doing a layout, and since CR does have anime in it, why not do anime layouts? :D This image is from the anime Ayashi no Ceres, in case you are wondering, and I forgots where I got the images from!

Using this layout.

Ok, the links are in the banner it's self, so that is already done, but if you want to change them for some reason.. make sure to edit the url in the section I titled BANNER LINKS STARTS HERE. And to edit the name on the banner.. well, if you have a graphics editing program, you can just stick the name on it, or you can email me, with the name you want on it, and I will happy do it for you. :) Now, to edit the headers, use < p class="head" >[Header goes here.]< /p > Without the spaces of course! And for the content, just use the normal paragraph tags, < p > Content here!!! < /p > Again, without the spaces. :) Now, to link to the other pages.. well.. what I do it copy this file, paste it into the same folder, and rename it to whatever the link I want it to be, but you can do what you want if you know a better (and easier) way! :P Hmm.. Also, if you want some kind of intro that it sort of.. split up from the rest so it's easy to tell the difference between the intro and the rest, just put < hr > between the < /p> and the next header. :) I hope this helped, anymore questions, just email me and I will try and answer them!

Credits and Copyrights

Now, the only thing I ask, is that you put a link to Citadel Realm in your Links section. :) Sound reasonable? And if we can, we will put you in our links section also. Copyrights go to the admins of CR. :) And so do the credits.. Not too much to ask I hope? :D Well, enjoy the layout, and I hope it's not to hard to use. I also highly recommend it only for use on personal sites, and/or blogs.

Site © You // Layout © Citadel Realm