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Flying Fox's Den

Welcome! This is really my first attempt at doing some html it's all pretty basic! Creating the wonderous Micro-Heroes is what prompted me to do this, so I could have them all online for people to see!
OK - as you can probably tell - there've been some changes here! While I originally started out doing more Alpha Flight Micros, my attention has been turned more towards DC lately - so I have a very large DC Golden Age section, as well as a moderate sized Miscellaneous DC section, with a small Alpha Flight section. I've also gotten some more links put in at the bottom - go visit everyone else's great Micro sites! You won't regret it! Anyway, enjoy!

My Favorite Web Sites

My Alpha Flight Micro Heroes
My DC Micro Heroes
My Golden Age DC Micro Heroes

Other MicroHero Sites!

All-Time Roll Call for the Avengers
Brad's Micros
Doctor Strange... Sorcerer Supreme: Mystical Microheroes
Kingdom Come Micro Heroes
The Comic Micro-Universe
The JLA Micro Page
Thunderbolts Micro heroes
Torch's/Rich's New Micro Hero Page
Whirlwind's Micro-Heroes

The Avengers Message Board
The Alpha Flight Message Board
Alpha Zone

Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!