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Eric's Super Cool Site

My Summer Plans


Well, during my summer vacation, I plan on doing absolutely nothing at all.  I will probably just sit around my house and watch TV. and play guitar a lot.  I also plan to do a lot of skateboarding during my vacation until I break another skateboard.

I have really bad luck keeping a board for very long because I try to do a lot of stuff on them.  I want to do some fishing too with my friends and family.  I would also like to hang out with my friends a lot and do stupid stuff.  I want to play a lot of concerts in both of my bands, which are State of Emergency and Audio Assault.  I play drums in my main band, State of Emergency and rhythm guitar in Audio Assault.

I would like to finish State of Emergency's album we are working on.  And above all I want to just sit around and enjoy my summer vacation.