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Following is a list of all the other human characters who have significance in one or more of the comics.

Lou Begonia: Lou Begonia Lou is Mr. Man's friend from childhood who is a rich, slick film producer (owner of L.B. Films). He appears in "Mr. Man's Movie," "Mr. Man and the Revenge of the Prairie Dogs," and "Operation Begonia."

Eager Elmer the Elf: Eager Elmer the Elf Elmer is a wacky magical elf who literally runs into Mr. Man at the end of "Mr. Man's Road Trip." He helps Mr. Man in "Bound for Georges" and appears in "Perfect Chaos." Even with his magical powers, spells of his never seem to turn out right. Has a pet monkey about three inches tall who lives in a bubble.

Georges di Gears: Georges di Gears Mr. Man's rival genius inventor and sworn elementary school enemy, he intrudes in "Mr. Man's Road Trip" and "Bound for Georges." The G's in his first name are french and are pronounced like the G in genre. The last two letters in his first name are silent.

Vortex: Vortex, Blue Thunder of Anime Land Vortex, Blue Thunder of Anime Land, appears in (you guessed it) "Mr. Man in Anime Land." He is an enemy and challenges Mr. Man to a fight, and appears again (even angrier) in "Expect the Unexpected." Not a jolly person to be around (or anywhere near, for that matter).

Nameless Enemy: Nameless Enemy This guy appears in a couple of scenes of "Mr. Man's Road Trip" but plays a major role as the enemy in "Operation Begonia."

Yet more characters include penguins, poodles, pig aliens, prairie dogs, the mayor of comixland, walruses, Santa Claus, a martial arts teacher, a hotel owner, some valley girls, some financial backers, a team of reporters, Tiffany Meadows, Dave Dulaira, Colonel C. Boulderhead, a robot, a rabbit, batman, an angry shark camera thing, and some anonymous newspaper reporters.


Mr. Man



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