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The First Day Dream

Message Board Strike
   Up my kill count.

Shae Studios
   Enter the Gates.

Fier's Realm
   T.I.E.L. + Stuff

Home of the Catgirl
   Enter the forest

~* Syth's Updates *~

By the time you swear you are his, shivering and sighing, And he vows his passion is infinite and undying. One of you is lying.~ Dorothy Parker
~* CC's Updates *~

15/03/07 ~

Only a day late... does my updating regularly still count?
Umm, interesting quote by Syth above!And yay for Fier for putting up a comic! That is all for now.

~* Oak's Updates *~

1/06/07 I update again!
My jokes are becoming decreasingly funny. Now that I have a scanner, I may have to draw stuff. TWO UPDATES WITHIN AN EIGHT MONTH PERIOD?!

I may not make any more MBS. I think the first series is about as good as it's capable of getting. We'll see.

~* ::Studio Updates:: *~

02/25/07: "Lookit that! I kept a promise! Sorta.." by Shae

Yes indeed, I did in fact update with comics today. 2 out of the 8 originally planned (Click for details) but at least it's a start. And I'm also working on everything else I mentioned on Friday, one step at a time (Most importantly the future layout).. WHEE.. it's good to be back!

Stop by the Message Boards!

~* Fier's Updates *~

3/16/07: St. Patty's Eve Update

Heeeeey, guess what. I got some more of that TIELRUEF, the webcomic that calls the next day.

Someone Needs to Moisturize

Now if you'll excuse me, I need to get back to sparking showtunes with anyone near by... and all that jazz.

   Syth Thanatos

   Brian Oak

   Shae the Bat


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