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- The Headlines today -
Frankie is Gohan.
- End of DBZ RPG news -

(7/18)Thats it - This is Buu....i am retiring from the RPG. my HP/PL was around 43,000. I will be posting my will (yes, you guys get stuff of mine) up later.

(7/17) Picking our God Damn Battles (Yes, I did just quote Rak from his grand master melee strategy that few can penetrate, but enough about how good Rak is at melee) - At 10:43AM this morning, a Royal Space Pod flew away from Planet Vegeta. The two saiyans looked out of the pod window and laughed as they saw Buu and Bebi standing there, waiting for nothing. The two Saiyans are happy because Buu's space pod only travels 500 light years a day, and the Royal Space Pod travels 600 light years a day.

(7/17)Stopping it from the source - At 3:12AM this morning, a capsule corperation space pod landed in front of the Royal Palace on Planet Vegeta. The two figures from the pod step out and wait for the saiyans to step out of the palace. They stand their and patiently wait for them.

(7/14)**RULE MODIFIED** - The modification of the section "civilians/goons" will start immediatly at 12 noon on July 15, 2003.

(7/14)Wow...look at this badass layout....Thank Rak for this...... Anyways...This site is still not done being re-constructed. It is open though.