In case you don't know, the plan for me is to eventually, someday, become a screenwriter for a living. Ideally I'll write movies and TV shows and maybe short books on the side. Perhaps even direct a few of my screenplays. So, understandably, right now I'm practicing by writing actual screenplays. The ones that I have written I'll put here for you all to look at. Most of these are, in fact, intended to be shot and produced with friends of mine which is why a lot of them take place pretty much in the same setting. They are all in PDF format just to make it easier for me, and perhaps maybe it made it easier for you. Read them and tell me what you think of them. If you have any tips on dialouge, screenplay format, or just anything in particular, it would be appreciated. And if any of them do get shot and produced, I'll be sure to show them to you all to see how they turned out.

Godless Suburbia- This a first draft dated June 16th 2006. It was actually meant to be shot during that summer but I couldn't really get enough people, who could at least fake act, to be in it that summer. A shame really since I think I wrote it really well and I had a lot of the shots and music thought out already.

One Afternoon- First draft dated August 19th '06. When Godless Suburbia fell through, I wrote this quick and simple screenplay with a small limited cast. Unfortunatly, the person intended to star in it suddenly went on vacation (it was still summer) and then school started so free time greatly decreased so it, too, was put on the back burner. Again, it was a disappointment because a lot of the stuff I had already mentally prepared in my head. Hopefully my next ones will make it past the script stage.

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