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Dollar Store Deals

These are some Items I picked up from a Dollar store for $1.00 a pack

here is pack one, plastic gas station front, Small minivan, Gas station attendant a newspaper box and a pop vending machine

Here we have what I kept, the rest went to my 5 y/o son

Here is the Hulk, looking to keep up on daily events

Talk about heavy reading

Here we have pack 2, A semi truck, two fomula 1's a lamp post and a traffic sign that would get anyone lost

and here is what I kept, again the rest went to my son

Here we have Jugernaught, being the Hulks whupped lackey boy getting him some light to read his paper by

Run, Juggie, Run

"About time" says the Hulk

so to sum it up as I see it, I got this bundle for $1.00

And my son got this for another $1.00

I would have kept the mechanic, but he was too tall