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Cinna Quests

About: Can you solve the mystery? Try and figure out what's happening in the clue or stpry below. Then search around sites for other clues until you finally come up to the page that will tell you an item to send to the guild. If you send us the item we will give you Cinna Points based on how hard the quest was to solve, and also how much the item cost. If you don't have enough np to buy the item just Neomail the Guild, and tell them the url to the page the answer was found on, and we will give you some credit for solving the riddle, however you won't get fulln credit because you didn't send us the item.

Items: You may be wonering if you get the item back, well the answer is no, you won't. It will go toward the guild funds as a prize for a contest! If you don't want to send us the item you can Neomail the Guild, and tell us the url to the page you found the answer on, you won't get full credit for the quest, but we'll give you some for solving the riddle!

Current Quest: (Solve The Riddle)
Go to the gallery
Need I say it twice?
Go to the gallery
Not everything's so nice

Go to page 3
And in there you'll find
The third word, that pegins with a P
Got that word? Stuck it in your mind?

What does that word remind you of?
A place on the map?
Does it there, love?
Now don't go to sleep! Don't take a nap!

Go to that place now
Go eat a sandwhich
Before you leave, bow
Now tell me, don't you have an itch?

To tell me how many of your GREEN little buddies are also eating there. Neomail the guild your answer.

This may seem hard, and in fact I tried to make it very hard, so follow the directions as good as you can and bryno_in_coolsville will help you a little if you need it :)
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