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DC Spec BR Digest = DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest
HOM = House of Mystery
HOS = House of Secrets
GT HOM = Giant Treasury House of Mystery
MSGCBA = Masterworks Series of Great Comic Book Artists
WBTTHOM = Welcome Back to the House of Mystery
SOHH= Secrets of the Haunted House


* = True Case File
= A favorite of mine!
* = Cain appears in the story



Ebony God, The Drake/Cruz HOM #257
Envy Andrews, Hopen/F.Redondo HOM #271
Epic of Sidney Kidney Nobis/Mars PLOP #13
Epode Wein/Ditko HOM #276
Escape, The Aragones PLOP #1
Even Dead Men Sing the Blues Matteis/Gonzales HOM #298
Ever After ?/Calnan HOM #212
Every Shroud Has A Silver Lining Barr/Zamora HOM #279
Evil Half, The Oleck/Rubeny HOM #255
Exchange of Innocence Jameson/Pak HOM #263
Exercise in Fear, An Dennehy/Chan HOM #290
Experiment in Fear Oleck/Cruz HOM #230
Exterminator, The Fleisher, Fabe/Nebres HOM #210
Eyes of Loves Jones/Cruz HOM #311
Eyes of the Basilisk, The Bridwell/Kane HOM #184
Eyes of the Cat Kanigher/Grandenetti, Wood HOM #189
Face of A God!, The O'Neil/Kane, Draut HOM #253
Faceless Man, The Gil/Malgapo HOM #276
Fantastic Wishing Well, The ?/Meskin HOM #195
Farewell Performance Kasdan/Zamora HOM #289
Fear Wore Two Faces! Kashdan/Jodloman HOM #251
Fetched Jones/Infante HOM #298
Final Installment Kelley/Craig HOM #275
Fireman, Burn My Child! Fleisher, Carley/Thorne HOM #225
Fireworks Man, The Fleisher/Talaoc HOM #228
Fish Story Oleck/Nino SOHH #1
Flash of Fire Kashdan/Ayers HOM #280
Food For Thought Skeates/Rodriguez HOM #313
For Money... For Love! Skeates/Alcala HOM #209
Forbidden Wish, The ?/Roussos HOM #200
Forever Young Matteis/Cruz HOM #287
Freed From The Infernos of Hell! Albano/? HOM #262
Friends To the End Kelley/Lofamia HOM #284
Fright! ?/Toth HOM #190
Game, The Neal Adams HOM #178
Game of Death, The Oleck/Ditko HOM #247
Game of Fear, The Kashdan/Jodloman HOM #311
Garden of Evil Oleck/Alcala HOM #226
Gardener of Eden, The Albano/Aparo HOM #192
Gargoyle Twice A Day Edelman/Bulandi, McLeod HOM #258
Gentle Way, The Skeates/Aragones PLOP #20
Germ of Greed Kashdan/Infantino HOM #313
Ghost of Deadman's Breach!, The Drake/Jodloman HOM #247
Ghost Hunt Lasky/Draut HOM #273
Ghost Ship Oleck/Sparling HOM #197
Ghost Snowman, the ?/Drucker Super DC Giant #20
Ghostly Games Skeates/Chua, Draut HOM #251
Gift of Doom, The ?/Roussos HOM #175
Gift From Satan, A Oleck/Chan, Draut HOM #257
Gift That Wiped Out Time, The ?/Meskin, Roussos HOM #224
Girl and Her Dog, A Conway/Morrow HOM #196/DC Special BR Digest #24
Girl in the Glass Sphere, The ?/Maneely HOM #227
Go to Hades Edelman/Henson HOM #260
Golden Doom, The ?/Cardy HOM #203
Good For Nothing Oleck/Ditko, Howard HOM #254
Gourmet, The Skeates/Wrightson PLOP#1/WBTTHOM#1/MSGCBA#3
Government Vampire Matteis/Redondo HOM #321
Grave Labor Bridwell/Draut HOM #253
Grave Results Wolfman/Howard HOM #182/#229
Grave Situation ?/Talaoc SOHH #6
Graveyard Shift ?/Baily HOM #216
Grave Yard Shift Toomey/Amongo HOM #277
Grim Choice! Drake/Robbins HOM #252
Grimble, The Klein/Henson HOM #262
Guardian of the Past, The ?/Cardy HOM #197
Guido The Artist Skeates,Bates/Estrada PLOP #24
Gypsy Shade Drake/Jodloman HOM #261
Hail the Conquering Aliens ?/Moreira HOM #201
Hair Apparent Conway/Spiegle HOM #292
Halfway To Hell Oleck/Rubeny HOM #212
Hanging Tree, The Oleck/Zuniga HOM #191
Haunted Melody, The ?/Ely HOM #226
Haunting, The Oleck/Wrightson Tales From the HOM #1
Haunting, The Oleck/Grandenetti HOM #183
Haunting Dooms of Halloween, The Mishkin/Swan DC Presents#53
Haunting Wind ?/Giunta HOM #199, #227
Have it Their Way! Rosenberg/Janes, Whitman HOM #314
He Adopted A Martian Boy ?/Baily HOM #198
He Doomed the World ?/Kirby HOM #199
He Who Laughs Last Wein/Wrightson, Kaluta HOM #221
Headlines of Doom Michelinie/Cruz HOM #238
Heaven's Above! Jones, Campbell/Spiegle HOM #300
Hell Park Matteis/Marshall HOM #274
Hellhound of Brackenmoor, The Sutton HOM #271
Hellride Mishkin, Cohn/Infante HOM #303
Helping Hand Wolfman/Staton&Smith HOM #300
Henson's Pooch! Conway/Tuska, Celardo HOM #293
Highest Court in the Land!, The Cavalieri/Yeates, Jensen, Demicco HOM #315
His Brother's Keeper Oleck/Baily HOM #279
His Name Is…Kane! Friedrich/Kane HOM #180/WBTTHOM#1/GTHOM
Hit Parade of Death Fleisher, Carley/Gernale HOM #249
Hoodoo You Trust? Bridwell/Talaoc HOM #217
Hound of Night, The Kanigher/Grandenetti HOM #182
House Called Bleefestry, The Kunkel/Alacala HOM #252
House is For Haunting, A Oleck/Blunkett, Janson HOM #253
House Odds Mishkin, Cohn/Redondo, Pabulos HOM #302
House of Endless Years, The Conway/Draut HOM #224/WBTTHOM#1/DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #24
House of Gargoyles ?/Sparling HOM #175/GT HOM/DC Sp #11
House of Horrors Oleck/Redondo HOM #197
House of Madness ?/Wrightson HOM #188/MSGCBA#3
House of No Return, The ?/Greene HOM #176
Human Wave, The ?/?Heath HOM #194
Hungry Jaws of Death, The Wessler/Bulanadi, Mayerick HOM #280
Hunter, The Albano/Nino HOM #220
Husker!, The Potter/Grandenetti HOM #261
Hyde and Go Seek Wein/Zuniga DC Special Blue Ribbon Digest #24
I Wish I May, I Wish I Might Wein/Dillin, Giacoia HOM #197
I… Vampire! Matteis/Sutton HOM #290
I… Vampire! Night of the Living Undead Matteis/Sutton HOM #291
I… Vampire! The Burning! Matteis/Sutton HOM #293
I… Vampire! Mother Love! Mother Hate! Matteis/Sutton HOM #295
I… Vampire! Zen Flesh, Zen Bones! Matteis/Sutton HOM #297
I... Vampire! Sun Also Burns, The Jones/Sutton HOM #299
I… Vampire! Blood Ties! Jones/Sutton HOM #302
I… Vampire! Carnival of Souls Jones/Sutton HOM #303
I… Vampire! The Night Has Eyes Jones/Colon HOM #304
I… Vampire! Blood and Sand Jones/Colon HOM #305
I… Vampire! A Rip In Time Jones/Sutton HOM #306
I… Vampire! Lovers Living, Lovers Dead Jones/Sutton HOM #307
I… Vampire! Mirrors That Look Back Jones/Sutton HOM #308
I… Vampire! Witch Hunt Jones/Sutton HOM #309
I... Vampire! .. Time We Got To Woodstock Mishkin,Cohn/Cullins, Gonzales, Sutton HOM #311
I… Vampire! Thing in the Tunnels, The Mishkin, Cohn/Gonzales, Sutton HOM #312
I… Vampire! Side Effects Mishkin, Cohn/Gonzales, Sutton HOM #313
I… Vampire! Mishkin, Cohn/Sutton HOM #314
I… Vampire! Mishkin, Cohn/Cullins, Sutton HOM #315
I… Vampire! Back in the USSR Mishkin, Cohn/Cullins, Sutton HOM #316
I… Vampire! Blood is Thicker Mishkin, Cohn/Cullins, Sutton HOM #317
I… Vampire! Mishkin, Cohn/Day HOM #318
I… Vampire! Dreams of Death Mishkin, Cohn/Sutton HOM #319
I Was A Spy For Them ?/Meskin HOM #229
Ice Place To Visit, An Fleisher/Carley HOM #218
Idol of Millions, The Conway/Cowan, deZuniga HOM #297
Illegal Procedure Uslan, Osner/Carillo HOM #265
I'm Off to My Funeral Kashdan/Amongo HOM #282
Image of Darkness Kanigher/Morrow HOM #192
In the Two Faces of Death Skeates/Suydan HOM #261
Images of the Dead Albano/deZuniga HOM #253
Immortal, The Oleck/Talaoc HOM #210
In His Own Image Oleck/Buylla HOM #213
Island of the Damned Oleck/Wrightson Tales From the HOM #2
Is There Vengeance After Death? Ingersoll/Craig HOM #263
It Came From Beneath the Sink Marrs, Skeates/Marrs PLOP #7
It Shouldn't Happen To A Dog Nobis/Aragones PLOP #21
It'll Grow On You Pasko, Fedroy, Bridwell/Jodloman SOHH #7
It's Hell! Albano/Sosa HOM #233


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